Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Akayla?

Akayla Curry is one intriguing person. She's weird, yet super fun to be around. If you make her mad, she tends to say what she has to say, which guys find pretty cool. She's not popular, but she is pretty good associates with a lot of people. She goes through things, but gets tons of support from family and friends. She loves to be there for her friends and they mean the world to her.

Hey y'all! It's Akayla Curry! She's eating pizza with.... Bricks?! Weird but I like it!

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Akayla - video


Akayla - what is it?

She's beautiful she's so pretty EVERYONE loves to be around her she is super popular and when she's mad she starts kicking asses

Wow Akayla is so hot

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What does "Akayla" mean?

Akayla is a very artistic & athletic person! She loves Donny Pangilinan & his movies. She is kind & she always helps out. She loves eating pizza & fries! She also loves Sweets & soda. She loves playing soccer & sometimes plays Basketball!

My friend Akayla is such a simp!

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Akayla - what does it mean?

akayla is the name of gorgeous and sexy girls. there normally kinda dumb blond but still somewhat street smart.there also lowkey or highkey crack or pot heads. they enjoy crazy partys and blackout drunk nights. kinda discrete hoes or skanks. they are loved by everyone for there outgoing and humorous personality witch also makes then craved by guys.always dressed glamours and older than she should.

omg she was so crazy and everyone absolutely loved her she must have been an akayla

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Akayla - meaning

The name of the prettist girl in the world. Sha has many friends and they love her verry much... all the boys are crazy for her.. and she dresed verry nicely...

whoa she is prettyyyyyyy!
she must be an akayla!

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Akayla - definition

She is talented artistic lightly salted smert and an awesome friend. She enjoys watching movies and eating pizza.Her favorite places are Texas Roadhouse,Micheal's and Charming Charlies. The name of the prettiest girl in the world. She has many friends and they love her very much.All the boys are crazy for her. And she dressed very nicely.She can be sort of stupid sometimes but all of her friends still love her.

"Wow my friend is such an akayla."

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Akayla - slang

Akayla is smart, funny, talented, brave, and beautiful. She has so many friends that love her to death. Akayla is an amazing name to have!

If you ever find an Akayla keep her she is so much more than amazing!!

β€œWhat would you like to drink, Akayla?”

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A queen. She’s the baddest beep in the land. We stan her, most definitely should be a model and if you call her a BEEP make sure you put baddest in front of it.

She’s a akayla she must be one bad......

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Akayla is the prettiest, most sexiest girls in the world! All the boys wanna get her. She is also very talented and is willing to learn new things! She can’t wait till she is old enough to have a boyfriend

Wow! Who is that?

That must be an Akayla!

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A girl who has chill vibes. She belives shes really ugly but shes actually really pretty. She likes guys a little bit older ( 2-3 ) people judge but she doesnt care. They may have trust issues so make sure you dont do anything to make her belive your not trust worthy. If you had to name her style it will be chill,dark. and fun. She is the life of the party, she will dance until her feet fall off.They will definitly bring the good stuffif you know what I mean. She likes men and women, she thinks their both beautiful. They love to do art stuff, its what calms them down. They'll have pretty bright eyes (blue,green,hazel).All the boys and girls love her.

Person 1- Dude, check out that girl over there
Peron 2- Yeah i know her she really chill. she gives off Akayla vibes.

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