Definder - what does the word mean?

What is A Friendly?

(pl. friendlies)
1. Used to indicate an object, usually sentient, that does not intend to harm the indicating party.

2. In gaming, a friendly can describe a helpful or harmless NPC.

1: Don't worry, my dog is a friendly.

2: Man 1: "Oh man, I'm really low on health."
Man 2: "Don't worry, there's a settlement around here somewhere. Bound to have a friendly or two."

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A Friendly - video


A Friendly - what is it?

the best place to work for people who love ridiculous customers, ridiculously amazing coworkers, ridiculously weird events such as olympics and bowlathons, and overall ridiculousness.
also, the best place to go when in need of ridiculously cheap food or chicken on sticks.

"I really wish there was someplace that sold chicken on little sticks of wood"
"Friendly's does that."

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What does "A Friendly" mean?

Someone who is scared, so they act like they are friends with the people they don’t like.

Denis: Ciara is friendly, she just told me she didn’t like Karla.

Donna: Then why is she hanging out with her.

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A Friendly - what does it mean?

A restaurant with its headquarters in Wilbraham MA. Its the place to go after football games and when there is absolutly nothing to do.

Jon:What are we going to do tonight? There is nothing going on.

Bob: Well we're going to end up at Friendlys anyway, so we might as well go now.

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A Friendly - meaning

A nice way of saying slutty. Often followed by "if you know what I mean".

" I heard that girl is very.... friendly if you know what I mean.

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A Friendly - definition

Abbreviation for a friendly fight and defined as a practice (and sometimes playful) fight between two friends. This method is mainly used to garner fighting experience so that one is prepared for future altercations.

It should be noted that the overwhelming majority of individuals lack fighting experience. This further explains why individuals can get overly involved in a verbal fight yet when the fight is starting to turn physical (by getting checked) chicken out.

Protip: It is best to learn some of the basics of boxing as boxing is super effective in real-life situations.

Bro1: Yo bro I've been working on my boxing moves and I am kinda curious how this will translate in IRL situations, wanna do a friendly?
Bro2: As long as you make sure you do not go all out or aim for my face I'm down bro.

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A Friendly - slang

Military slang short for friendly troops.

"We can't use an air-strike because there are too many friendlies in the area!"

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A Friendly

The act of making friends easily .

People who are friendly Are

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A Friendly

A Robbie Williams fan.The name was given to fans by Robbie Williams in the summer of 2011.
They are characterised by their friendly nature, acceptance of others and gentleness. Likely to be seen giving cheeky winks and hugs. Their natural habitat is

Person 1 β€œAre you a Robbie Williams fan?”
Person 2 β€œNo I’m a friendlie (((hugs)))”

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A Friendly

A guy/female that is a little too flirty with every female/guy they meet

β€œYou a little too friendly with that nigga”

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