Definder - what does the word mean?

What is A Creature?

A general term describing any of the small, inherently friendly inhabitants of the Creature Forest. Exclusively herbivores, the vast majority are covered in fur of varying color, and traditionally possess paws with 3 digits. Known to have only one natural enemy, the Turkie.

"Oh look; a Creature!"

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A Creature - video


A Creature - what is it?

its what you call a kid who has been bailed out of jail rather than taking it like a man
or taking it in the ass

inmate kid-(crying)

cop-alright stop crying wuss your a lucky creature your parents are bailing you out

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What does "A Creature" mean?

A really hideous person
An extreme form of hideousness can describe one as 'Munn creature'

God, Zac is such a creature!

What the hell is that!? ... a Munn creature.

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A Creature - what does it mean?

The shoe brand Creative Recreation (Creative Recs)

"I'm a teacher yousa geeker
No sneakers I'm wearing creatures."
-Gucci Mane "She Geeked"

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A Creature - meaning

People who resemble an assortment of bugs or creatures. They tend to have oddly shaped eyes or squirly facial features.

Man, those kids looks like creatures.
WTF a preymantis? dont tell me i look like no creature.

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A Creature - definition

The Creatures, are a group of YouTubers, usually gameplay commentators, who like to play games with each other and that way produce entertaining content. They know each other very well, but only some have met face-to-face.

The Creatures currently include Kootra, UberHaxorNova (or simply Nova), Sp00n (Sp00nerism, TheCampingTree), Gassy Mexican, ChilledChaos, ZeRoyalViking (Ze), DanzNewz (Danz or Dan), Junkyard129, SlyFoxHound (SlyFox) and SSoHPKC (Seamus).

They also run a podcast called Creature Talk, and a website/forum called The Creature Hub, along with a Minecraft server (The Creature Server) and a TeamSpeak server.

Example can't be blank. So I filled it in. It also needs to contain the word The Creatures. Happy?

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A Creature - slang

Creatured is the term used when someone has too much alcohol and becomes inhuman. They are also unable to control themselves

β€œOmg have you seen Alex, he’s absolutely creatured, he’s on his 3rd beer and he is creatured

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A Creature

Any human being with an appearance or behavior so unique that their identity as a homo sapien is questionable

"Dude, what's up with Chris Kaman?"
"I don't know, that guy is a creature and a half."

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A Creature

The act of showing up uninvited at someone's house (usually a targeted streamer with existing parasocial relationship issues) and then attempting to stay as long as humanly possible.

"Have you ever heard about the avid fan who traveled 17 hours to creature sodapoppin and left drugs behind right after he was forced to leave?"

"Did you know that there is an Andy over there that is creaturing Ice Poseidon later today on stream?"

"I am definitely afraid of being creatured so I take steps to protect all my personal information to avoid getting doxed." - Pokimane (not an actual quote)

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A Creature

alcohol, beer, liquor, wine etc.

I feel like hell right now, but give me a few hours and I'll be back on the creature.

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