Definder - what does the word mean?


Insane or delirious.

I'm afraid so. You're mad, off your head.

👍75 👎15

AT YOUR HEAD - video


AT YOUR HEAD - what is it?

Your Head A Splode is simliar in function as All Your Base Are Belong to Us.

It originated in a Strong Bad video game, where upon your death a computerized Strong Bad voice would say, "Your Head A Splode."

Cats: All your base are belong to us!
Strong Bad: Your head a splode!
Cats: OOOOooo.

👍215 👎33

What does "AT YOUR HEAD" mean?

When some subject completely consumes your mind.

You cannot allow the horror of this Trumpian Tragedy to eat your head!

👍27 👎11

AT YOUR HEAD - what does it mean?

This is when something annoys to the point that you feel like your head is going to explode i.e. complete frustration

That Crazy Frog song wrecks my head.

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AT YOUR HEAD - meaning

a phrase used by every white Australian male PE teacher when you fuck around.
you're better off to stop being fucking annoying or they'll call you fuckwit for the rest of the year.

"Trent, fucking pull your head in!"

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AT YOUR HEAD - definition

having more difficulties than you can manage

Calculus is very hard for you. You're in over your head.

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AT YOUR HEAD - slang

When someone passes some kind of alcohol or drug up, and gives it to you.

"Do you want that last Bud Light?"
"To your head."

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when someone wants to fight or kill you

People spread rumors about me saying they all heard it from you I'm at your head

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To be "on (someone's) head" is to make fun of someone or "roast " them. My little brother insists this is already a phrase so it ought to be on here

I'm on your head about your stupid shoes

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That they are cracking jokes about you

She on your head boy, you better not let her talk to you like that.

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