Definder - what does the word mean?

What is ASTA?

1. It means "Spear to View" in Spanish.
2. What idiots think means goodbye in Spanish.
3. The misspelling of Hasta La Vista.

Those idiots think that Hasta La Vista is spelled Asta La Vista meaning spear the view....

👍415 👎181

ASTA - meme gif

ASTA meme gif

ASTA - video


ASTA - what is it?

A term used In New Orleans as another way of sayinggirl bye

gia - you weird

lulu - asta phat

👍25 👎11

What does "ASTA" mean?

A person who takes extreme interest in Asta from the anime Black Clover, usually to an excessive extent. They often think about or talk about him nonstop. This often stems from the fact that they either idolize him or are sexually attracted to him.

Guy 1: Hey, did you see that Black Clover meme I sent you?
Guy 2: What the hell is wrong with you, do you have an Asta Complex or something?
Guy 1: A what?
Guy 2: You know, like you are obsessed with Asta and are sexually attracted to him or idolize him.
Guy 1: Who wouldn't?

👍45 👎11

ASTA - what does it mean?

later, cya, from the spanish word for goodbye just shortened

-"cya tomorrow"
-"alright, asta"

👍79 👎193

ASTA - meaning

Asta is the prettiest person that u will probably ever meet. She is pretty much perfect

And she is good at head

Omg I wish I was Asta she is so perfect

👍29 👎15

ASTA - definition

Using a hamburger to jerk someone off. You then eat the hamburger with the cum in it.


👍49 👎37

ASTA - slang

Asta is a hard working person who always want to help.At first she is shy but after a while she is super loud.Asta is the perfect person to ask for advice cause she has all the answers. Asta is a bad ass so you dont want to mess with her or she will fight.Asta is the heather of the group so she may be a bit controlling but you'll learn to love it.

If your friends with Asta you should cherish her because she is rare.Once you've lost her you will never find her again.

👍33 👎13


A brilliant norwegian girl, supposedly the most beautiful girl in the world.

She's usually a genius bro, friend, a perfect girlfriend, and a superb bacon-cook

An Asta usually have the most gorgeous eyes one has ever seen, and her laughs can make a boys knees go numb.

Person A: I saw this girl the other day, and I was completely stunned by her beauty!
Person B: I think you might have seen an Asta
Person A: Ah, that totaly makes sense!

👍147 👎87


The Asta is a sexual move in which a woman tries to give a man (rough) oral sex while he plays Dance Dance Revolution. This move works best if the two individuals are Lithuanian.

Guy 1: Yo, did your girlfriend try the Asta last night?

Guy 2: Yeah man, it was awesome. And I got a high score.

R.R. wig... (wait he doesn't even need one.)

👍329 👎139


One of the rarest and most beautiful creatures in the known universe. Sexy doesn't even come close to describing this perfect specimen of a female. Her goddess like body will drive a sane man insane. There has been research done in this field with science to back up the results. If I could ever have sex with an Asta I would die a happy man. Her scent is enough to make a man ejaculate. Natural blonde but can wear any hair color and may have the urge to change it from time to time. Blue eyes that you can get lost in, literally, so never make eye contact. An Asta is the quintessential female that will never be met in comparison.

Did I just cum in my pants? That must have been an Asta that just walked by.

👍181 👎59