Definder - what does the word mean?


The greatest hawabaaz alive!

Arshdeep/himanshu is such a hawabaaz, he fails gravity

👍25 👎11

ARSHDEEP - meme gif

ARSHDEEP meme gif

ARSHDEEP - video


ARSHDEEP - what is it?

He is an absolute cunt and whenever he gets a girlfriend (very rare) he messes it up like an absolute simp. (His girlfriend his with me now) He lie to his friend like a bitch and has a micro penis. No one likes him and he is a small punjabi. He loves to have his ass fucked and he acts like a cum dump.

Look at that arshdeep he looks like he wants his ass kicked.

👍33 👎85

What does "ARSHDEEP" mean?

Pinocchio, Toucan,

Im sorry to say you have Arshdeep type name

👍37 👎53

ARSHDEEP - what does it mean?

likes dick

Arshdeep loves dick

👍31 👎19

ARSHDEEP - meaning

NAN that plays football at night and sucks his friends on their bikes

Damn did you see that ARSHDEEP back there, he was going heavy on his boys

👍277 👎315

ARSHDEEP - definition

She's very loyal and tries her best to persevere. Extremely beautiful and very talented. She will fuck up your ass up in any fight. NEVER MESS WITH HER. #thatssonnaperiodt

OMG is that an Arshdeep, run nigga !!

👍61 👎33

ARSHDEEP - slang

Arshdeep means Sun/Moon because if you break arshdeep down you'll find meaning of arsh which is "sky" in punjabi and deep means "candle", put them togather you get candle of sky so that means sun or moon!

Normally Sikhs keep names like Arsh or Arshdeep

your Arshdeep " heavon " & "sky"
people might say this to u because your very hard to reach and very high type person!

👍615 👎253


Peng ting with 15 inch cock

Yo arshdeep gimme ur nice brown long penis daddy

👍83 👎23


Arshdeep, is a nice carrying sexy person he/she is the type of guy u can trust with ur life! If u have an Arshdeep friend ur lucky asf.

Example 1: Ayo Arshdeep gimme that bbc
Example 2: Arshdeep is a very nice person

Example 3: wow Arshdeep ur such a good friend.

👍283 👎27