Definder - what does the word mean?

What is ANW?

literally a summary of "ain't no way"

1st person: "ANW BRO ANW"
2nd person: "What the fuck does that shit mean.."
1st: "It means ain't no way u stupid bitch."

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ANW - meme gif

ANW meme gif

ANW - video


ANW - what is it?


This is an example sentence of the phrase anw twn 16

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What does "ANW" mean?

The definition of anw town 16 is being at least 17

That's an example sentence of the phrase "anw twn 16"

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ANW - what does it mean?

ain't no worries

anw man, it's cool.
anw ✌🏻️

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ANW - meaning

Anw meaning β€œain’t no way” is a more humorous way of saying β€œ no way” it can be used in a humorous way or seriously.

β€œAnw I got in trouble for that”
β€œAnw that girl like me”
β€œAnw you got that car”

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ANW - definition

A playground located on almond and westmoreland in Philadelphia Port Richmond. A group of young handsome men hang out their and they’re extremely hornyπŸ€ͺ

I’m at AnW with gang

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ANW - slang


anw what r u doing ?
anw nvmd

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ambiguously none white.

She's not black, mexican, or asian, but she's not white either, she's ANW, ambiguously none white.

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