Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Port Richmond?

-the second shittiest place on staten island

-6,000 delis

-ralph’s and deninos are basically the only nice places

-everybody zoned for port change they address on the high school application so they can go to wagner

-every kid either went to 51, 72 or 27
-everyone who doesn’t live on the north shore thinks there’s gangs and drugs

“im moving to port richmond”
“why, it’s a shitty area

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Port Richmond - video


Port Richmond - what is it?

A neighborhood in Philadelphia that is filled with the toughest & most fun kids around. Known for being the best neighborhood in Philly and having the best sports players unlike fishtown , bridesburg, mayfair, etc., throws the best house parties and will lay anyone from any neighborhood tf out cold. Mostly italians and irishmen. Bars and poppy stores on every corner. No neighborhood in Philadelphia compares to this one. Backfields is the famous spot where local teens hangout and party & the cops don’t really give a sh*t unless your dad or uncles didn’t go to north catholic high school.

Amazing Loyal People Tough Fights Backfields Sukis marijuana alcohol Port Richmond

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What does "Port Richmond" mean?

A Ghetto piece of shit neighborhood on the North Shore of Staten Island. Port Richmond Avenue has nothing but a bunch of ghetto Mexicans and Blacks. The surrounding area at night by Park Avenue and Ann Street is surrounded by nothing but skells, crackheads, and drug infested gangs and burnouts. Avoid this area at all costs and go to the Staten island mall or further south to experience the true good and nice side of Staten island.

Go take a walk around at night around Port Richmond Avenue and Veterans Park. Just make sure the usual 1,000 NYPD Cops are outside standing on Impact control rather than a few.

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