Definder - what does the word mean?

What is AMARA?

A great friend who will do anything for you. Not the kindest but will still try to make you happy. She isn't perfect but that doesn't matter. All that matters is that she will ask out a boy for you.

Me: Hey Amara, can you ask out matt for me?
Amara: Sure why not...

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AMARA - meme gif

AMARA meme gif

AMARA - video


AMARA - what is it?

A wonderful girl who is very kind. She will always be there for you. Shes not afraid to speak her mind. She will stand up for what she believes in, Even if nobody else agrees. She is beautiful, And truly unique. She can be wild, Crazy, and fun, but still cares about her school work! She makes friends very easily. She is a one in a million friend! Amaras' are usually quite energetic, Yet is great at listening to other people's problems.

"Dude, did you see Amara today?"
"Yeah man, she's lookin' better than ever!"

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What does "AMARA" mean?

A bit much but everyone loves her
Also her name always autocorrects to AMARA and it’s so frustrating!

Everyone: Amara’s a bit much but we still love her
Amara: A bit? Just a bit?

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AMARA - what does it mean?

The most remarkable girl you could ever know. Within a few weeks, you'll feel crazy because you will love her so much. She is so well rounded, and her selflessness is like no other. Some say that she is one in a million, but those closer to her would say she's one in a billion. She is so smart, she excells in school, but still likes to show her "bad side" once in a while. She is the only girl that you could talk to all night, disregarding the consequences you'll suffer the next day at school. No one is as forgiving and trusting as she is. She is a truely remarkable girl who doesn't know her own beauty like I do.

Girl: "Hey, do you want to come over to my party for some Yagerbombs?"
Boy: "No, I'll pass. I'm going to stay home and hang out with Amara, my Yagerbomb tonight."
Girl: "Haha. Oh yeah, I forgot you're whipped. Have fun!"

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AMARA - meaning

Amara is a beautiful girl, she is even more beautifull with brown curled hair and brown eyes. She is smart and cool and she is very enhousiast. She has a great sense of humour and is perfect to be dating. So boys dat a Amara

Amara is de bom.

Amara is the bom

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AMARA - definition

Means β€œimmortal” in Sanskrit and β€œlove” in latin. Put together: immortal love

Also means bitter tho 😬

Imma name my daughter Amara to show her that my love for her is immortal

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AMARA - slang

Amara is a girl who is strong and fierce.She is a leader like a super Hero called ''Wonder Women''.She is a greek name. people might actually get confused but it is okay.

Hopefully, all of the Amara's will be a success.

''hey, aren't you that strong superhero Amara."

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Someone who is will be there for you no matter what. She is someone who will stay up with you at 4am talking about how your dog died. Amara is someone who cares her selflessness in unbelievable. Even if you've done something terrible to an Amara chances are they will forgive and will keep forgiving you each time you do something wrong until she notices how much of an idiot she is. But just because Amara cares a lot of others does not mean she doesn't have her own problems. She does. She may never tell you she likes to keep her thoughts deep inside her soul. This doesn't me she doesn't want you to try and help her. She does. Amara's are very deep people they have someone very deep thought but will never show it. They can be completely depressed on the inside and never show it on the outside.

Amara is someone who cares more for others than herself.

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Amara is one of the most prettiest girls you’ll meet. When you’re around her she’s quiet at first, but when you get to know her she’s a really funny person & you want to be around her all the time. Amara is not stupid, she peeps the littlest things that you wouldn’t even catch. She knows when someone is being fake. Amara is one of those pretty, genuine , smart girls. She should be instagram famous.

β€œ did you talk to Amara today ? She’s so nice”

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Amara is smart, cool, pretty and has a great sekse of humour. A Amara is even prettier with brow curled hair and brown eyes. If you meet a Amara keep her in your live she’s gonna be your best friend and someone you can trust with everything. A Amara is someone who is the best from the best and she is gonna make it to the top

Amara is de bom
Amara is dope

Amara is de bom

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