Definder - what does the word mean?

What is ALA?

Alae is a man of integrity. He has good morals and manners. He is a man of little words. Not persistant. A guy that is outgoing and friendly. Almost everyone knows him but he keeps very few close friends.
Alae is the type of guy that treats girls like a gentleman, and one he meet the special one, he'll treat her like a queen.

"Oh I just wish this Alae would be all mine"

"Duude, wheres Alae?"

👍129 👎61

ALA - meme gif

ALA meme gif

ALA - video


ALA - what is it?

1.means a huge gift and blessing from god.
2.Ala actually is a cute ,sexy ,hot ,beautiful ,lovely ,smart girl that any man wants to have her and try hard to be with her.
3.Ala is so friendly and outgoing person who has a kind golden heart. You can count on her to listen to you ;and keep your secret any time.
She can give you good advices and help you to feel better about yourself.
She's shy to and can't express her real feeling to a person who loves though.

-Omg ..She's so ala!

-I got into trouble, I wish I had an ala .

👍83 👎31

What does "ALA" mean?

(Ala)"à la" is a French word, means in the style of, in the manner of...
Alike or having similarity by means of style, manner, act, etc...
Doing the same way or mimicking others so as he/she would not be misact a thing.

He wears ala James Bond costume.

This burger tastes hotdog, I'm in drugs.

I watch horror movie; a lady creeping in a manhole that seems to be similar to the movie titled "The Ring".

Do ala reverse engineering, then you'll passed the License Examination.

👍473 👎225

ALA - what does it mean?

Ala is a complicated person but within her lies a wonderful person who is bursting with happiness. She Doesn't need popularity or a huge friend circle. She tends to push people away but the smart ones will come back crawling to her saving her from the misery she bought upon herself. She likes to be weird and loves singing randomly out loud even if she is not the best of singers. Ala will infect you with her originality and uniqueness, and to be frank Ala is a complete and utter freak which you will grow to lover....hopefully. With Ala you will be on a roller-coaster that only goes up!

Ala is a freak

I need an Ala in my dull life to lighten me up

I am bursting with Ala's uniqueness

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ALA - meaning

Used to express sorrow, regret, grief, compassion, or apprehension of danger or evil.

Indo-European Roots

"unfortunately it rained all day; alas, I cannot stay"

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ALA - definition

Hawaiian pidgin for Balls, nut sack, eggs, hairy hangers, scrotum, penis buddies, the tea bag itself

WOW! That dudes ala alas hung so low they touch the toilet water when he's taking a shit.

👍43 👎23

ALA - slang

A young hoodlem who hangs with the hoodrats. While skrawny and weak, it may become angry it times, raising voices and giving hearty pushes and shoves.

Hey! Help! Help! Its ala

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refers to a member of an online society, who creates rumours, slightly changes quotes of other people to mislead a larger audience for his self pleasure.

You liar, you sound like ALA!

ALA, this is not what the text says, why are you falsifying it?

ALA, are you being paid for bringing up rumours?

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ALA is an acronym for "Actually Laughing Audibly." Many believe it carries the same meaning as "lol." Had ALA been used pre-2003, this would have been true. However, due to the commonplace over-usage of "lol" (use when there is no laughter out-loud), the need for an acronym referring to audible laughter has arisen. Hence, ALA. Use of ALA when one is not, in fact, actually laughing audibly, will result in a german shepherd attack.

(In a FB chat conversation)

A: Well man, just keep jammin' her until it falls off.
B (who is laughing his freakin' balls off): ALA!!!

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A word that is used by marfa high school students. A way of being in shock. Usually after an insult

Pronounced: alahhh

Guy 1 to guy 2: your mom gay
Guy 3: ala
Guy 4: alaaaaa

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