Definder - what does the word mean?

What is A.D.S?

A.D.S (Aim Down Sights) is when a man holds his penis to take a piss.

"Hold on boys, I got to go take an A.D.S real quick"

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A.D.S - meme gif

A.D.S meme gif

A.D.S - video


A.D.S - what is it?

Asian Dick Sindrom. aisians have small wangs. it is because of the a.d.s

there is no asian with a dick larger than 3 inches

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What does "A.D.S" mean?

A.D.S. stands for Addicted Dick Sucker for people of the female persuasion that enjoy to suck cocks and the yum-tastic flavor that "cums" from the average female whore's pastime of slobbering away on pork swords.

Person 1: That bitch be sucking on my Big Rick every minute she get.

Person 2: Shit, that's some pure A.D.S. right thur.

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A.D.S - what does it mean?

Attention Deficit, SQUIRREL. A person who has such a bad case of ADD, that everytime they see a squirrel they have to announce it and look at it for a few seconds before they can finish their sentence.

Boy 1: Sorry man I have such bad A.D.S

Boy 2: Aw man so do, SQUIRREL, I

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