Definder - what does the word mean?

What is 6th december?

The day where all the most beautiful girls are born but the beautiful girls names don’t start with an A because no one likes that letter anyway

When was she born
December 6th
Brooooo u know she gonna he hottttt

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6th december - video


6th december - what is it?

National give a girl your hoodie day! Give a hoodie to a girl and they will be very happy!

Girl- β€œGuess what day it is today?”
Boy- β€œWhat day is it today?”

Girl- β€œDecember 6th!”

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What does "6th december" mean?

A day where you absolutely have to hold your crushes hand and show her off

Girl: why are you holding my hand?
Guy: it's december 6th
Girl: oh that's right well I'm already holding my crushes hand

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6th december - what does it mean?

the day the best chick is born she is pretty hot though she is probably ranga and has no soul but is still hottest bitch out

dilian: wow rena griffin is pretty hot when is her birthday?
ruby: yeh her birthday must be december 6th since shes ranga

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6th december - meaning

Wear ur pajamas to school.

Why is everybody wearing pajamas on the December 6th?

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6th december - definition

the hottest girl born alive with the secciest body and beautiful soul was born on this day, and no she is not single

person: its december 6th!!

me : oh yeahhh it’s my girls birthday! im eating her out tonight

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6th december - slang

It’s a day where you feel love and comfort.

It’s a day to remind you of your worth.

1: hey it’s December 6th! Don’t forget how beautiful you are

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6th december

National slap your girlfriends ass day

Yo bro it’s 6th of December you know what that means

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6th december

National history day

Every school will do history home work

Hey today we’re doing history 6th December

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6th december

6th december is the day when if someone asks you if you want to be their bf/gf they cant say no.

Hey! It's 6th December do you wanna be my gf?

Yeah UwU

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