Definder - what does the word mean?

What is 4th march?

When the best fella in the world was born (I suggest tryna get him as yours)

Person 1: omg he's born on March 4th go speak to him gurrrl
Person 2: reckon he'd have a threesom with us?

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4th march - video


4th march - what is it?

March 4th is International Shit on Someone Day. This is the day where you can shit on anyone you want (including siblings)

Person 1: Hey how are you doing?
Person 2: I need to shit
Person 1: Fuck its March 4th
Person 2: Exactly *shits on them

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What does "4th march" mean?

Best girl was born, rest of you can choke

Whoa fiona was born on March 4th, greet her and tell her u love her and give her hugs and gifts

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4th march - what does it mean?

Only the people born on this date are sexy

The holiday is called sexy people day and is celebrated all around

Omg today is March 4th it’s sexy day

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4th march - meaning

National fuck ur friends day

Boy/girl: it’s March 4th, you know what that mean
Boy/girl: sheeesh say less

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4th march - definition

People born on this day are better than literally everybody else and they are the sexiest most intelligent and interesting people on the planet. They are bowed down to and considered Kings/Queens.

People born on March 4th are incredibly sexy.

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4th march - slang

Australia’s national root day!!

mate you know what date is coming up!
nah mate what?
the 4th of march!
fuck yes mate!

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4th march

Whatever you're doing on this day, make sure to lock your other half up otherwise bad things will happen, as shown by two awful men on a Friday night in Cameo which will never be forgotten!

What are you doing for the 4th of March babe, I hope you are not going out with the boys!

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4th march

Everything in the world is Β£10 for my amazing girlfriend skye who is reading this right now xx<33 hehe

Skye: you have a Β£10 limit for my birthday I don’t like money being spend on me

Alfie: well it’s the 4th March so everything is Β£10 so ur gonna have the best birthday ever

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4th march

On this day you have to kiss or make out with your friends at least 5 times. No consequences just fun

I’m so exited for 4th March

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