Definder - what does the word mean?

What is 19 August?

the day with THE most birthdays. wtf was everyone doing 9 months before august 19th??

"why am I seeing so many birthday shoutouts today?"

"it's August 19th! that's everyone's birthday"

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19 August - video


19 August - what is it?

ppl born on this day are like so angy it's hilarious

person 2: *angy person sounds*
person 3: chill, they're born on august 19th hah
person 2: *angyer sounds*

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What does "19 August" mean?

National fuck your best friend day.

Bro I fucked my best friend and its not even awkward because we did it on August 19th.

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19 August - what does it mean?

The most iconic day, the day John Deacon was born.

"my name is John Richard Deacon and I was born on August 19th 1951"

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19 August - meaning

Younger people's day! If you find someone who's A year older than you, they owe you $10 now. This is to make them realize how old they are.

-It's August 19 and since you're a year older than me, you now owe me $10!

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19 August - definition

Ask out your crush 🀭and slap ass day😜

Hey it’s August 19th and you have a crush and your crush has an ass😏

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19 August - slang

August 19 is national fuck a bitch up day.

On this day you get to beat the shit out of a bitch because you can...

Yo what happened to that bitch emily's face?

Maddie fucked her up man, its August 19th today.

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19 August

National Cake day!

Hey it’s August 19

You know what that means
Let’s go get some Cake!

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19 August

The day where the best people have theses birthdays and have a great personality there nice kind cute and kind and you also have an amazing birthday all together

Cory: when's your birthday
Me: august 19th
Cory: you have the best birthday
Me: awe thanks

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19 August

People who borthed this date are smart, soooooo freaking kind and they are leo's so do not mess with them tho.They love their best friends more than theirselfs but they know they are perfect.

Someone: bruh stfu u borned 19 august
them: um u think u are better?

Someone:yes bahhaaa
them:u are better on being ugly

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