Definder - what does the word mean?

What is 1891?

More Zeerialo than Zeerialo is and DMs people randomly

Person 1: Hey did you get a random DM from 1891?
Person 2: Yeah I did
1891: hi

👍25 👎11

1891 - meme gif

1891 meme gif

1891 - video

1891 - what is it?

Another word for short and unlucky

Damn, Bedo#1891 sure is short.

👍25 👎11

What does "1891" mean?

The concept of never getting your Mudae wishes and having them all rolled while you're offline. Most of the time they're claimed by a certain bow user

The Chalk Prince was claimed by ItsHydra
Bedo#1891 : ffs

👍29 👎13