Definder - what does the word mean?

What is 1234567890?

All the numbers the world has so far. Why did you search this?

Person: hey. What are the numbers again?
Person 2:dude. It's 1234567890. How do you not know that? *shakes head*

👍29 👎13

1234567890 - meme gif

1234567890 meme gif

1234567890 - video

1234567890 - what is it?

Thease are numbers frequently used to get your ex-girlfriend back from that women steeling asshole Chang. A friend of mine once left a message saying "TAKE THAT EX GRILFRIEND! I DU NOW MATHS? DONT u REGRET DUMPNG ME FOR THAT ASIAN GUY NOW? HA ha HA ha Ha ah," I know that the Numbers are 1234567890" at 3:00am on thier Ex girlfriends Iphone.

1234567890 is a number of the alphabet.

👍81 👎53

What does "1234567890" mean?

numbers on keebord

1234567890 are all numbers

👍57 👎31

1234567890 - what does it mean?

1 billion 234 million 567 thousand 890

sooooo 1234567890 is ummmmm 1b 234m 567k 890

👍35 👎15

1234567890 - meaning

When ur bored and u type all the numbers

Bill is 1234567890 right now

👍133 👎49

1234567890 - definition

Good job, Your so bored.

Hehe, I'm at school and so bored so imma type up 1234567890

👍67 👎21

1234567890 - slang

when somebody is bored of typing qwertyuioplkjhgfdsazxcvbnm and mnbvcxzasdfgjklpoiuytrewq so they type numbers intead

sam: ugh im bored, im tired of spamming letters. what about numbers? lemme try. 1234567890

👍45 👎13


You are so bored that instead of typing qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm or abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz you type the numbers at the top of your keyboard

They are numbers! Wow! Do you really need an example of 1234567890? You need help.

👍151 👎53


The row of numbers on a keyboard.

You'd be surprised how many people I've heard ask where the "10" button was.

wtf 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-0 where's the 10.


👍1703 👎731


something you type when you are pretty bored beyond the internet boredom scale

i'm bored, i'll just type 1234567890

👍1299 👎297