Definder - what does the word mean?

What is zooby?

a temporary state of stupidity/mentally-retardedness resulting from unnecessary, excessive weed smoking

Translation: Yo you want to go snowboarding man?

Flag- Ighttttttttt lets gettttttt ZOOOOBIEDDDD?
Translation: Yes I do? Should I bring weed?

Manny- Lets DOOOOO ITTTT!!
Translation: Hell yes.

If you find yourself doing any of the following there is a possibility you have been ZOOOOBIED before; taking excessively long pisses; realizing your friends lips match the curtains; talking about that....PUSSY; hitting up the PIZZA STATION; you enjoy them PERSONAL PIZZA's screaming all kinds of words as you would scream ZOOOOBIED for example.- BANANA PEEEEEL

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zooby - meme gif

zooby meme gif

zooby - video


Zooby - what is it?

A Utah Mormon who is very sheltered and ignorant of the outside world. They want to stay in Utah. They don't have to go to BYU or college at all. They mostly live in Utah Valley and Utah County.

The zoobies in my class are so annoying. They don't get how things are in the real world.

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What does "zooby" mean?

A word to describe a nicely shapes rear and thigh area.

"ooo that girl is zooby zooby"

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Zooby - what does it mean?

used in A Clockwork Orange.

But Dr Brodsky had a loud long smeck (laugh) at that, showing all his white zoobies.

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Zooby - meaning

A true hardcore og, a real playa, a person no one wants to fuck with, the strongest, sexiest and smartest people in the world. Best lover in the world. They are never wrong and no one will ever be better then them. A nigga with a huge package

I wish I was a Zoobi

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Zooby - definition

A true hardcore og, true playa , person with a huge package. Is sexy , smart and stronger then everyone else. A real good lover

I wish I was Zoobi

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Zooby - slang

Teeth, especially false teeth. Often used by grandparents in the early 1970's.

Grandpa said he needed some denture adhesive to keep his zoobies in.

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A zoobie is a derogatory term for a certain genre of people who attend BYU. The term evolved from the word zoo, which was a common nickname for the university in the 80's. Possible explanations for this nickname may include the chaotic, often carnival-like atmosphere of raging hormones and desperate hunting for mates.
A zoobie is the quintessential BYU student. A zoobie is just a member of the flock of sheep. Zoobies don't think for themselves, they are the oblivious morons who roam BYU campus in droves.
You can't tell a zoobie by appearance only, although there is certainly a stereotyped look. Preppy sweater boys and plastic girls are often associated with zoobiehood.

"DUDE!! Did you see that hot girl walk by?"
"Yeah, she's a zoobie."
"Oh, f**k that!!"

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A term used in Utah, mainly Utah Valley, to describe the excited bunch of mormons that go to BYU and engage in excessive social activities. It's very common usage here.

I was awoken late at night with chanting by who could only be the Zoobies, exclaiming in chorus that they were to, "Paint the Y! Let's Paint the Y!"

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Another word for a hash and weed mixed joint. Mix of the words doobie and zoot.

Yo don't hog dat zoobie bruv, pass dat shit

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