Definder - what does the word mean?

What is yux?

Disgusted, Yucky, Akshaya, Kevalam, Nasty

yux, stop saying such akshi stuff

👍25 👎11

yux - meme gif

yux meme gif

yux - video


Yux - what is it?

The action of yuxing the yuxity of yuxes

Bro we be yuxing around today on god

👍29 👎11

What does "yux" mean?

Short form of Yuck, disgusted.

Yux, I'm not interested in you

👍25 👎15

Yux - what does it mean?

Yux is a completely made up word I have created today which means nothing at all. My goal is to publish on, a 'user-sourced' "dictionary", for people to see. As I said, this word means absolutely nothing.

Person 1: Did you see that new yux that Timboy bought?

Person 2: What in the hell is a yux?

Person 1: Yux is a made up word. It means nothing at all.

👍49 👎19