Definder - what does the word mean?

What is yunus's?


A strong yunus is vital to a healthy democracy.

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yunus's - meme gif

yunus's meme gif

yunus's - video


Yunus's - what is it?

A boy with very long fingers and is very rude to his fellow people includig his girlfriend . but someone with nice eyes and good looks ;)

OMGG he has yunus's .. or He is so yunus.

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What does "yunus's" mean?

Very sexy has very good choice of clothing he’s very sexy

Yunus is very sexy ain’t he

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Yunus's - what does it mean?


A strong yunus is vital to a healthy democracy.

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Yunus's - meaning

A person with a funny name that is really good at handheld games such as mario kart for the DS.

"Yunus is the 5th best mario kart player in the world and he's not even jap."

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Yunus's - definition

Yunus is the best ever. Better than Keno.

Yunus is better than Keno, bro.

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Yunus's - slang

That one guy in your life

He’s such a Yunu smh

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A very attractive young man who loves to associate with new people. He has a great heart and loves to create strong friendship bonds.
Everyone likes to be Yunus' friend especially the girls. Girls go all over him, trying to catch his attention but it's hard to reach his standards most of the time, but trust me he's good in having relationships.

He's a person who's good at multitasking and he's one person you can for surely trust.

Everyone likes to be Yunus' friend especially the girls. Girls go all over him, trying to catch his attention but it's hard to reach his standards most of the time, but trust me he's good in having relationships.

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A very good looking and cool guy with nice eyes. Easy to make friends with. Every girl secretly wishes that she could be his girlfriend. A very understanding and a kind hearted guy.

I wish I could go out with Yunus

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A very attractive young man who loves to associate with new people. He has a great heart and loves to create strong friendship bonds.
Everyone likes to be Yunus' friend especially the girls. Girls go all over him, trying to catch his attention but it's hard to reach his standards most of the time, but trust me he's good in having relationships.
He seems like a person who loves playing basketball and he doesn't have any restrictions on playing different sports as well.

He's a person who's good at multitasking and he's one person you can for surely trust.

Yunus is the sexiest guy in his grade

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