Definder - what does the word mean?

What is you know That?

A very overused phase people say 500 times a sentence that gets annoying after 10 straight minutes. There is only one reason why they might be doing it, and it’s because they for some reason think it’s cute. It’s as simple as that.

Person #1: You know, you know, you know, you know.
Person #2: No, I don’t know, and I don’t care to know, so please stop talking.

👍89 👎27

you know That - video


You know That - what is it?

1. When used as a question: Same as, "Know what I'm saying?"

2. When used right before a giggle or titter: Something that is to embarassing or "icky" to bring up directly in conversation.

3. When used by a criminal or psychotic: You understand and have knowings of the insane/ socially unacceptable/ depravedly criminal/ inhumane/ abasedly amoral things I have done. Now I must kill you.

1. So then I just had to bust a cap, you know?

2. Then he showed me his... you know *giggle*.

3. You KNOW! *Lunges at you with a knife*

👍287 👎83

What does "you know That" mean?

1. Substitution for something not to be said out loud.
2. Substitution for something that cannot be thought of at the present moment.
3. Question, literally meaning either
i. "Are you still listening?"
or ii. "Do you think you understand?" (informal)

1. - You want me to ... you know ... ?
- What, suck me off?
- Yeah.
2. - So I decided to give her that thing.
- What thing?
- The thing, you know.
3. - She didn't like the thing, so she dumped me. You know?
- Yeah.

👍699 👎215

You know That - what does it mean?

An interjection, most often used when saying something the listener does not, and often could not reasonably, know.

There are 374,102 hairs on my head, you know.

👍347 👎85

You know That - meaning

Said in agreement to a statement or question. See word

-Thats a massive spliff you just rolled
-You know it

👍389 👎89

You know That - definition

A derogatory prepatory statement in a sentence used when telling someone something they should already know, but, in fact the author knows they do not.

As you know, gang leadership is run from the Prison Infrastructure.

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You know That - slang

A way of agreeing or accepting something said.

Jimbob-"That kid is so salty that you kicked his ass!"
Steveo-"You know, you know..."

👍55 👎39

You know That

Said by absolute wankers and utter cunts feeling smug and clever

A: says joke
B: scratches head
A: if you know, you know - and doesn't explain. There's a superior undertone, supposedly to manipulate the listener into giving AF. Said usually by completely banal people with nothing to show for their total and self-absorbed mediocrity

👍131 👎95

You know That

The defining phrase of an inside joke/access to information only a select few know about

You see your mate's laptop screen saver is a naked girl, but her face is covered , you know who it is, but others don't- you post it on your snapchat and put "....'s screensaver, if you know, you know"

👍739 👎269

You know That

1. A Concise phrase, where the context of the matter doesn't need to be explained. Usually said to someone out of the loop/ not up to date/ is not aware.

2. Having knowledge or being aware of something especially through personal experience.

3. Street Smarts

4. Being Cognizant

Person 1:

What was that about?
What were they talking about?
Is that true?
How do you know THAT?
Person 2:

Don't worry about it. If you know, you know.

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