Definder - what does the word mean?

What is woowoos?

A Steamroller reefer pipe. Refers to the woo woo noise made during use.

That woowoo pipe gets me high as hell.

👍49 👎11

woowoos - meme gif

woowoos meme gif

woowoos - video


Woowoos - what is it?

A person who looks good and does something spectacular.

Look at P.White and that dunk he made over Micheal Jordan!...WOOWOO

👍39 👎47

What does "woowoos" mean?

A word used to sound cute and means willy or penis.
made up by tahlia see koolio or kieran

tahlia:your woowoo is up in my face

👍65 👎87

Woowoos - what does it mean?

A derisive word used by skepdicks to describe the solemn beliefs of various New-Age adherents. A term of hate speech on the SDMB as propounded by Peter Morris, the SDMB user not the Welsh baseball player.

My guess is that the woowoos posting in the MPSIMS greenzone will not be willing to enage this subject in a GD context, but here's hoping anyway.

👍69 👎59

Woowoos - meaning

cute name for girls genitalia

come here b, i wanna lick your woowoo

👍111 👎111

Woowoos - definition

origin- derived from the 'woowoo' sound used in science fiction background music, particularly The X-Files.

noun- A conspiracy theorist who focuses their paranoia on 'Big Pharma' and modern medicine for hiding the cures for all major diseases, and the government for suppressing energy technologies, most of which are of alien origin. Often are also passionate about chemtrails and mind control

adj. The ideas espoused by a woowoo

I knew she was a woowoo as soon as she started talking about vaccines.

👍99 👎57

Woowoos - slang

Paranoid conspiracy theorist.

"The moon landings were faked, and my tinfoil hat protects me from mind-controlling flu shots!!!" screamed the woowoo.

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Sound that whistle tips (in mufflers) make, as exhibited by Oakland resident Bubb Rubb.

"This whislte goes Wooo!"
"like woo wooooOO!"

👍283 👎165


Any vehicles that utilize sirens: ambulances, police cars, firetrucks etc.

How do you manage to get any work done here with all of those woowoos constantly going by?

👍29 👎33


an alchoholic drink made with vodka, cranberry juice, and orange juice.

Equal portions of each.

Man, those woowoos were really strong! We got so messed up!!

👍33 👎21