Definder - what does the word mean?

What is wmf?

Windows Media Format. Began as MS started owning the world.

That file is in WMF format.

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wmf - meme gif

wmf meme gif

wmf - video


Wmf - what is it?

Stands for white man fro. Self explanatory.

Looks like Tom is sportin' a WMF!

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What does "wmf" mean?

Wave my fist (shake fist)

I should wmf at that bitch

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Wmf - what does it mean?

Washing my face

Him: wyd?


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Wmf - meaning

Acronym for With My Family.

Niggaz know they can't stay with the team so they sell-out. But me imma stay WMF.

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Wmf - definition

Wagging My Finger. Used when someone does something wrong, embarrasses themselves or just doing anything that would require you to wag your finger at them. See also SMH.

This dude knows he's wasted and she's stone sober, and has a boyfriend. So why would he embarrass himself and keep throwing himself at her, WMF

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Wmf - slang

Whatever Mother Fucker

Guy1: After work are we going to get drunk and punch hookers?
Guy2: WMF

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Created under highly intoxicated states, the acronym WMF is a variation of WTF. WMF is the expression: 'what ma fuu' and is usually used to represent a degree of shock that far surpasses the acronym WTF.

- "dude we should totally make a volcano room, and we could just use straws to breathe in the outside air!"

- "haha wmf"

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Acronym for Waking My Family, rapidly becoming an internet colloquialism. It generally suggests an overly-humourous conversation.

hahaha dude please this is too hilarious, you're making me laugh so loud i'm wmf.

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wagging my finger

used in the same situations as smh. Because who actually shakes their head in disapproval anyway?

Who still uses smh?? wmf

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