Definder - what does the word mean?

What is whats his face's?

Nathan whats his face is a decently cool guy. He enjoys doing crew every single day after school and playing soccor over football for some reason. Thats all.

Nathan whats his face is very short.

👍27 👎13

whats his face's - video


Whats his face's - what is it?

That funny guy that sits at the front of his classes and is actually awsomely kewl. Ben Whats-His-Face is probably not your friend though.

I love that guy ... you know ... Ben Whats-His-Face!

👍47 👎15

What does "whats his face's" mean?

1. Used by friends to define the new guy
2. Girls use this term to define each others new boyfriends because girl is a slut
3. A boy who is easily forgotten

1. George, get whats his face
2. Mary that whore is going out with whats his face
3. Hey! Its whats his face

👍99 👎45

Whats his face's - what does it mean?

Used in place of a person's name when you forget their name, but you think the person you're talking to knows who it is.

Billy- "Dad, is Mr. ... what's his face? ... taking you to the airport for your business trip, or do you need a ride?"

Dad- "Oh, Mr. Smith? No, actually I fired him this morning. Can you take me before you go to work?"

Billy- "Sure Dad, since you're the greatest!"

👍93 👎35

Whats his face's - meaning

what's his/her face?

another way of saying, what's his/her name. it tends to be used more in the northern states, replaced in the south by what' his/her name.

It also is commonly used to replace a person's name when you can't remember it.

Jenny, remember that guy...oh you know he's kinda tall. Oh, what's his face?

Jimmy. Way to be vague.

👍139 👎49

Whats his face's - definition

a word used to define some poor bastard you cant whose name you either a) cannot remember or
b) would much rather belittle by calling them whats-his-face

also see whatsisname

Link: man, that whats-his-face is such a prick.

Mud: lets kill him

Link: shouldn't we find who he is first?

mud: why the crap would we do that?

👍101 👎25