Definder - what does the word mean?

What is wet napping?

The act of blowing your nose into a woman's moist vagina and then sucking out your snot to use as a lubricant for anal sex with said woman

He was in the middle of giving his girlfriend oral when he used her vagina lips as a ocala wet nap

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wet napping - video


Wet napping - what is it?

what you wipe your asshole and your twat with, right before you allow the guy to go down on you (assuming that you did have a bath or shower before the date started)

It was obvious we were going to have sex, I used a fresh Wet Nap for my ass, then another to wipe my pussy, just in case he wanted to go down on me.....Sara

👍63 👎83

What does "wet napping" mean?

What dirty, skanky, soap dodger scrubs use after sex instead of taking a shower.

I know it may sound funny, but really, wet naps are not a replacement for good hygiene. You don't want to be all sticky, and smell like Janet Reno or some French hick from Canadia.

I just saw a picture of Scott Baio. I need a wet nap!

👍53 👎55

Wet napping - what does it mean?

Wet Napping is folding one or two pieces of toilet paper neatly placing it between your butt cheeks nearest to your butt hole, or in a woman's case between her legs nearest to her vagina or both, wearing it all day, removing it and placing it back in when done urinating or defecating. Then placing the toilet paper and a plastic bag for another the enjoyment, purchase.

I need some extra money this week, I'm thinking of wet napping and selling it on Craigslist.

👍29 👎15

Wet napping - meaning

Can refer to any attractive female. But usually refers to girls who are making a conscious effort to look attractive - whether they really are attractive or not - and thus are, presumably, currently interested in sex ("wet", "horny", "turned-on", "easy"). These women are disposable like a "wet nap" - the pre-moistened, disposable towelettes given out at some restaurants.

At the mall yesterday, we got followed by a couple of wet naps but they were way too young for us so we ditched them.

👍41 👎29

Wet napping - definition

female version of a tea bag

ie. when a girl squats over a man's or another woman's face
and gently dabs the lips of the vagina on their nose and mouth.

"I passed out on the side of the pool and woke up to Susie givin' me a wet nap"

👍55 👎41

Wet napping - slang

when your girl is sleeping next to you and you jack off and cum on her and she never knows

i was really horny the other night but my girl wouldnt wake up, so i gave her a wet nap

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Wet napping

A supposedly comfortable maneuver in which one lays down in a bathtub with a pillow and comforter and turns on a warm shower, proceeding to sleep like a baby in a womb.

"We're terribly sorry, ma'am, but your son was found drowned in his bathtub yesterday, wrapped in sheets. His friends say he was attempting a wet-nap."

👍49 👎23

Wet napping


"Thanks for coming to KFC, here's your order. Would you like some wet-naps with your meal?"

"No thank you, besides, if i took them who would wash your dishes and mop up the bathroom?"


👍133 👎81

Wet napping

Similar to a wet dream, only shorter.

Keith had a wet nap during chemistry class

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