Definder - what does the word mean?

What is wazzat?

Quite possibly the coolest, sexiest, and most admirable being ever to walk the earth. With beautiful flowing locks, an "omg hawt" body, and all-round Jobe-ness, he is the pinnacle of cool.

"Damn, that Shiguru Wazzat is the pinnacle of cool!"

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wazzat - meme gif

wazzat meme gif

wazzat - video


Wazzat - what is it?

what is/was that

a: We running a little late.

b: Wazzat? I wasn't listening. (example of wazzat)

👍35 👎23

What does "wazzat" mean?

Slang for what's that.

Usually stated like the fools from the Budweiser commericals that say "Wassup."

Stacy: "Crap on you, you ignaramous insuffering panda bear."
Mike: "WaZZaT j00 say?!?"

👍51 👎23