Definder - what does the word mean?

What is wall of shame?

To face the back wall while playing a guitar or bass on stage, often to conceal shyness, or give one the impression there is no audience.

Often employed by serial users of the "bass pout" in order to avoid being mocked, postgig.

"He was so tied up in his walled shame, I didn't even notice he was on stage"

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wall of shame - video


Wall of shame - what is it?

Adorning the wall of a hospital main lobby, the donation wall of shame outlines for patients and visitors alike how much individuals and corporations have donated to the already tax-free hospital. Shamefully categorizes the donors into patronizing names such as β€œgold donor” and β€œfriend.”

The donation wall of shame at St. Agnes Memorial Hospital always greeted visitors with a reminder of how strategic Home Depot was with their tax write-off, but also how cheap the other businesses were in town.

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What does "wall of shame" mean?

A web page with a listing of sex offenders...Example "Megan's Law"....Most counties publish a wall of shame (sex offender) via the sheriffs station.

Because Lawrence Taylor messed with an underage girl and was subsequently convicted he has to report to the sheriffs office to have his mugshot taken and plastered on the wall of shame to alert others a cho mo is lurking.

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Wall of shame - what does it mean?

A collection of empty liquor, wine, and beer bottles (especially rare or uncommon) proudly displayed on a mantel, china cabinet or other open display for others to see what one has consumed.

Jimmy had to restart his wall of shame after he changed apartments.
Dan had to get rid of his wall of shame when his girlfriend moved in with him.

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Wall of shame - meaning

Part or all of a bulletin board in schools, post offices and libraries that display the rap sheet and photo of sexual offenders living within a ten mile zone.

"Guess who's on the Wall of Shame at the Post Office? That creepy housekeeper from work!"

"I knew there was something way off about that perv!"

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