Definder - what does the word mean?

What is waash?

Waash can mean multiple things in multiple scenarios, it can be used to describe disgust, “Uhh dude this food tastes like waash!” It’s also a synonym for “Stuff,” “You got Ramen? I love that waash!” It can also mean taking a sip or bite of something, “Yo can I take a waash of your burger?”

“I swear you’re so dumb, you’re a waasher”
Aight boys I’m going to the bathroom I need to take a huge waash
“Can I take a waash of your Iced Tea bro, that waash looks good as waash”

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waash - meme gif

waash meme gif

waash - video


Waash - what is it?

Waash is everything. Waash is good, bad and Bist . Waash is anything you can think of.


-What the waash

-Your dick smells like waash

-I need to take a waash

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