Definder - what does the word mean?

What is wANA?

It is Marijuana. But some people like me, like to harass people, so I say Mary Jane Wana.

Mary Jane Wana get some Mary Jane Wana. ;)

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wANA - meme gif

wANA meme gif

wANA - video


WANA - what is it?

A person that thinks they are cool but they are just rejects that do not want to admit theyr own rejection

Man that kid Jose is such a wana-b-prep but hes such a looser

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What does "wANA" mean?

One who wears ripped jeans they bought ripped, Wears flannel that is actualy just a plad shirt, and thinks Nirvana is the only grunge band.

Kid:Hey like this new flannel i bought?It makes me look like a grunger!!
Me: WTF a Grunger whats that sopposed to mean?
Group: Procedes to kick the kids ass

Wana be grunge

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WANA - what does it mean?

a guy who thinks it makes him a stud cus he puts it about a bit and girls laugh at him behind his back, but slappers sleep with cus hes ready! and so are they!
so hes kind of a wanna be pimp, but we aint buying that shit! he aint no REAL man!

OMG! look at *name* acting like a real jerk again, hahaha he thinks he looks good dont he, hes just a wana-pimp, the only thing that will take him is *name of slapper*

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WANA - meaning

Want to?

Do you wana go watch some moves on Netflix?

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WANA - definition

An alternative to saying want to, or wanna.

She wana come with me, do I take her?

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WANA - slang

Short way of spelling or saying marijuana when you cant remember how to or are just to layzy to .

Hood bro 1: Yo, man, wanna smoke some 'Wana with me?

Hood bro 2: sure man!

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Wana substitutes for any word in the English dictionary.

Joe: Wana me right now lady.

Jill: Ok, I will fuck you harder than “the Rock.”

Joe: No, I mean give me money retard.

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Wana is a girl that is drop dead gorgeous but everyone around her just don't notice.

A : "damn Wana lowkey cute tho"
B : "how come we just know bout this??.

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She does not approve of her definition of Tishauna and really wants a mug from the Urban Dictionary of her name. She loves to do useless stuff and do her boring projects. She also loves public speaking and being in front of large crowds. She is very easy-going and is a great construction worker on her structure the "Petronas Towers". She is a great Prezi presenter and loves to laugh at her friends.

"I love being around my friend WANA!"

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