Definder - what does the word mean?

What is voule?

Vacuum Of Unappreciated Love

It doesn't matter what you do for that girl. She will never recognize it. She's just a voul.

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voule - meme gif

voule meme gif

voule - video


Voule - what is it?

When something is stolen or you stole something

I voule him and your mad

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What does "voule" mean?

coded and board to multiple sections of info that's discarded from previous stuff

windows 9 had a vouled unrelease

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Voule - what does it mean?

This word is commonly used in the suburb of Kew, Melbourne. Meaning vile, vulgar or foul.

Guy1: oh my god, smell that one
Guy2: that is absolutely voul

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Voule - meaning

voul is a super hot and cool person

Person 1: Omg is that Voul??
Person 2: Wow she's super hot!

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Voule - definition

vile+foul. Simply generally nasty.

The sewers truly were voul, John reflected as he waded through sludge.

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Voule - slang

half of chunks of a stand of a shell full of info like a pc with 5 gigabytes storing 1 terabyte without it malfunctioning

I was holding a box that was vouled

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Stole Something/person

I voule her man

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