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What is uneque?

Emily and Jake :)

there is an unequal simp vibes between Emily and jake. One is simping for the other at different times

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Uneque - what is it?

literally, an amazing male human being. An Unequaled Scion has features and attributes that are uncommon among his peers. He possesses a heart of gold, and an amazing quality of character, and he is physically flawless. Unequaled Scions are known to remain youthful both physically and mentally far longer than equaled scions.

"That guy sam is like 48 and sexy as hell, I bet he's an unequaled scion."

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What does "uneque" mean?

THAT BITCH… that’s all you need to know

Who’s that??? Oh that’s Uneque.

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Uneque - what does it mean?

one person loves more than the other person

She really didn't give a shit about him, they were in an unequal relationship

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Uneque - meaning

A relationship or friendship that is unbalanced, where one person loves another person more.

The moment I realized I had given my heart away to an unequal love, it was already too late, the numbing pain had swept in.

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Uneque - definition

the character trait of being unique, special, extraordinary, etc.

The unequity of the dancer's style set her apart from her competitors and won her the judges' favor.

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