Definder - what does the word mean?

What is uncle sam's?

Where you cum onto a girls face but only on the chin so she has a white beard.

Where cum lands on someones face to where they look like they have a white beard like Uncle Sam.

👍35 👎39

uncle sam's - video


Uncle sam's - what is it?

A non-Jewish Middle Eastern-American who bends over backwards to prove how American he is. Derived from "Uncle Tom."

Mo's indie rock friend #1: Did you see Mo get all weird when we introduced him to that hot Syrian chick?
#2: I know, as soon as she asked him what "Mo" was short for, he turned as red as a twice-used maxi pad.
#1: For real! I had to tell her it was short for "Mohamed."
#2: When will he realize "Mo" is the toupee of all nicknames?
#1: (scoffs) I love him more than I love Guided By Voices, but he's such an Uncle


👍85 👎163

What does "uncle sam's" mean?

This is when you titty fuck a female and bust a nut on her chin, so the nut drips off her chin forming a white beard.

I gave nicole an uncle sam.

👍83 👎151

Uncle sam's - what does it mean?

The act of shoving the american flag up ones rectum. before cumming u sing the national anthem

i used The uncle Sam last night and i feel better

👍31 👎13

Uncle sam's - meaning

The ultimate combo move. Instruct her to gargle blue Powerade when getting head than begin the procedure for a jelly doughnut. Make her laugh to create an angry dragon and finish by saluting and humming the star-spangled banner.

The uncle sam is my favourite patriotic theme sex move, even if it does turn her tongue blue.

👍181 👎183

Uncle sam's - definition

the only man not prosecutable for treason or war crimes

Person 1: Why is it the US can murder people in every country as they drive their institutions to starve and violate every human right of their own citizens?

person 2: Cuz it's the American dream to be able to do anything you can put your mind and wallet to. You know...Uncle Sam.

👍119 👎97

Uncle sam's - slang

When you punch your partner in the nose, let it sit for a day or two so the face becomes black and blue (but we all know it's really just blue). Now that the bruise is fully colored, cum on your partner's face and punch him/her in the nose again, allowing a steady stream of blood to trickle down over the cum covered bruise. Thereby, beautifully making the colors of our American Flag.

I was getting bored of just a regular blowjob so I gave my partner "The Uncle Sam."

👍43 👎17

Uncle sam's

A man who was a meat checker in the Civil War who stamped safe meat with a stamp that said US as in United States, but that act what interpreted as Uncle Sam. They used him as a figurehead on posters for men to join the union army.

Also one of my relatives, whether you believe me or not.

Dude, did you see that poster in the hall? Uncle Sam wants me again! Freaking army men(:

👍189 👎111

Uncle sam's

*A legendary figurehead of the United States. Although mythical, he is reported to have been a real person. Uncle Sam is basically a tall man with white hair (with a white goatee), dressed in the Red, White & Blue, with the Stars & Stripes as a huge hat. Uncle Sam, along with this description, is commonly portrayed as this old-looking, but tough-as-nails, figurehead pointing at you, the viewer of the poster, and below it he's saying "I Want You".
Uncle Sam basically represents the US Government, although he greatly represents the US Military.

*Sam Fisher's alias in a mission during Splinter Cell : Pandora Tomorrow.

*An appropriate name for anyone in the military named Sam. This name may not be appropriate for females named Sam though.

Libby-Lib : "*puts on Stars & Stripes hat and then points* I want you so I can screw your children over by sending them to ficticious wars!"
Me : "....not funny."

Me : "puts on Stars & Stripes hat and then points" I want you. ^.^
Hottie : "*has a confused look*"

👍787 👎261

Uncle sam's

The federal government.

Bill cheats on his taxes, because he hates Uncle Sam taking his money.

👍645 👎129