Definder - what does the word mean?

What is ubiSOFT?

taking something a good and shiting on it beyond recognition

They ubisofted there conference,didn't they

👍45 👎13

ubiSOFT - meme gif

ubiSOFT meme gif

ubiSOFT - video


UbiSOFT - what is it?

A once respectable game developer that used to make classic games such as Rayman, Splinter Cell, Ghost Recon, Rainbow 6 and so on. Now they are Xbox 360 hugging assholes who don't give a shit about the best gaming platform, the PC. They delay games on a PC months over the 360 version and don't even bother to optimize one bit, as seen in Double Agent and Vegas.

Fuck Ubisoft, I am sick of their bullshit with PC games. This once great gaming developer lost all my respect. I am downloading all of their games now instead of paying for them to send those fuckers a message, and as should you. Tired of being dicked around on a PC? Sick of unoptimized delayed console ports? Then pirate the shit out of their games.

Ubisoft is now on par with EA as money-making corporate cuntrags who don't give a shit about gamers, as long as they push out their games for the most popular system at the time.

As seen with GRAW 2, Double Agent, and Vegas, they rather just spit out shitty delayed ports to shut PC gamers up than to actually spend time reworking it for Windows.

👍1147 👎397

What does "ubiSOFT" mean?

Another way of saying you have a micro-penis.

Babe, before we do it, I have to tell you something... I'm Ubisoft...

👍75 👎17

UbiSOFT - what does it mean?

A game developing company that has hurt the lives of Jager and Bandit mains. Also, has nerfed the ever living shit out of Blackbeard.

Hello my fellow Jager mains, it has been about 4 months since i lost my ACOG and i have decided to revolt. Bandit, Blackbeard, and I have decided we must all revolt to get our original gadgets back. Join us and we shall prevail. We make Ubisoft give them back.

👍25 👎11

UbiSOFT - meaning

Content unavailable.

Could not parse request.
Our new business partners Ubisoft our handling our servers...
Servers are under maintenance.

👍35 👎11

UbiSOFT - definition

A company way in over there head, Always aspiring to make new and interesting games but fucking them up and ends turning them into freemium games you have to pay for.

"The new assassins creed looks good."
"Yeah but ubisoft will some how fuck it up."

👍153 👎21

UbiSOFT - slang

Mentally challenged children that make "games" but dont know how to work them.

We're Ubisoft and we are buffing shaman.

👍167 👎21


A company that insists that resolution, like frame rate and character limits, is just a numbe-

Ubisoft just keeps on digging.

👍319 👎31


verb - To fuck something up so bad, that you no longer recognize what the original idea, or for that matter, the product itself, was supposed to be.

Well, Dave, the project was going fine, but you had to ubisoft it, didn't you?

👍305 👎25


Fix one thing, break ten other things

"Well it was fine until you tried to ubisoft it."

👍455 👎23