Definder - what does the word mean?

What is twente?

a very boring district in the netherlands

i hate twente

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Twente - what is it?

A lovely little place in the province overijssel. A saxon dialect.

A place on the map called twente

👍25 👎11

What does "twente" mean?

a type of sucker punch that stops an endless argument without injuring the other party beyond the point of a fat lip.

"He got a twent for going on about it..."

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Twente - what does it mean?

someone that is in their twenties
someone who no longer is a teenager but still acts immature

Jake: "Yea I took Jessica to the bar for her first time. She got so wasted I had to carry her back to her car"
Ashley: "Oh, you twents. Just because you hit twenty-one doesn't mean you can handle your liquor"

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Twente - meaning

The Drama part of the Netherlands

Did you hear about Twente?
Ow god. Why are you bringing up the Drama

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