Definder - what does the word mean?

What is trollop's?

1) A woman who is a whore and cakes on too much make-up

2) What John McCain called his wife Cindy when she suugested he was going bald.

At one point, Cindy playfully twirled McCain’s hair and said, “you’re getting a little bit thin up there.”

McCain’s face reddened, and he responded, “at least I don’t plaster on the makeup like a trollop, you cunt.”

👍363 👎293

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Trollop's - what is it?

a loose woman, a whore, a lady of the night, a slut ho biatch!

your mother is such a complete trollop

👍301 👎237

What does "trollop's" mean?

loose women found in nightclubs. Usually dance in large groups, covered in excessive makeup and are in desperate need of male attention.

See that chick over there? She's a fucking trollop

👍433 👎287

Trollop's - what does it mean?

Trolloping - action word for what a trollop does. Traveling trollop, whoring around, cruising for sex, trolling for some action, tramping around, hooking.

DJ was out trolloping around last night, that's why she looks so tired today. (verb)

If you don't stop your trolloping ways, you might wind up on a mortuary slab. (adjective)

👍77 👎35

Trollop's - meaning

1.) Cindy McCain, as defined by John McCain in a 1992 senate campaign bid. It was a long day.

2.) A whore; a woman perceived as sexually disreputable or promiscuous.

Cindy: You're getting a litte thin up there (twirling John's hair)
John: At least I don't plaster on the makeup like a trollop, you cunt

👍975 👎591

Trollop's - definition

1) A loose woman who gives a false impression of innocence or sexual naivete
2) A woman who provides sexual favors to people she may or may not know, and does not demand money for her services;
3) A derogatory term implying loose morals, generally due to a violation of confidence.
4) A very scantily-clad woman.

Jane feigned innocence, but once Jim saw her level of experience, he knew she must be a trollop.

"I can get some from Emma," said Rich, "she's a trollop."

I can't believe Courtney told everyone I like Ryan! What a trollop!

Could her skirt get any shorter? God, what a trollop!

👍937 👎385

Trollop's - slang

The stage of drunkness when you can no longer talk, stand or see clearly.

Pronounced: (Trol-ep-te)

Friend: "Plans for the weekend?"
You: "Gonna go out and get absolutely f#$@ing trolloped!"

👍37 👎11


A woman who plays innocent like she don't have sex and she don't like cock, but in reality, sleeps with every dude she lays eyes on. Says things before engaging in a one-night tryst like :"I don't want you to think I am a whore." or "Don't worry, I know what I am doing."

Everyone thought she was the innocent, nice girl, until the night of the prom. She was found at one of the after parties, giving head in a cricle jerk, thus signifying her as a trollop to the whole school.

👍2829 👎899


A sexually promiscuos woman; a prostitute.

I checked your phone while you showered. You can tell your little Trollop to stop texting you.

👍121 👎11


A slut, whore, hoochie mama, hood rat....

She loves that word trollope.

👍589 👎25