Definder - what does the word mean?

What is tripping people?

The next level of being high on LSD or Magic mushrooms. Commonly experienced when DMT is engested. The highest a person can get.

I'm so high my balls are tripping people!

πŸ‘25 πŸ‘Ž11

tripping people - video


Tripping people - what is it?

Contrary to national throw short people day, on October 28th anyone 5’4 and under has permission to trip, cripple, and/or break the kneecaps of anyone 6,0 or taller

Fellow midgets we must rejoice, it is national trip tall people day

πŸ‘25 πŸ‘Ž11

What does "tripping people" mean?

Held on October 20th, this is a holiday celebrating people under 5’4. As opposed to β€˜Throw Short People’ Day, short people will therefore be superior to tall people, and will trip them. No permission needed.

β€œTomorrow is National Trip Tall People Day,” yelled Jorden, at the top of his lungs.

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Tripping people - what does it mean?

During Trip Short People Month, also known as β€œDecember,” you can trip anyone 5’6” or under

A: Why did you trip me?
B: Because it’s Trip Short People Month, and you’re 5’4”
A: I measured myself over break! I’m 5’5”!
B: That’s a fucking lie, but it makes no difference

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