Definder - what does the word mean?

What is triple B?

A shorter term for describing the domestic merchandise retail store Bed, Bath, and Beyond.

My dog just shit and puked all over my bed... Guess I'm headed to triple B later.

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triple B - video


Triple B - what is it?

Beers, Bluntz, and BBQ they all combine to make the greatest of weekends.

Yoo lets get together an run the Triple B!!!!

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What does "triple B" mean?

bud. booze. bitties.

pickin up some triple b this weekend buddeh!

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Triple B - what does it mean?

Burrito Bomb Burp- Also known as the Triple B. The undesirable urge to blast out a bomb like burp after ingesting one nauseating burrito.

Man, I just ate one dank ass burrito from the crazy chicken and it gave me the Triple B for sure.

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Triple B - meaning

A girl with a hot body, but an ugly face. Stands for Bag, Bend, Bang.

also known as BBB, you bag em, bend em, and bang em to cover that atrocious face. "Dude that chick's a Triple B"

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Triple B - definition

Triple B is a term for the acronym: BBB meaning Big Beautiful Boobies

Women can use this term and acronym as a description of their chest size usually C cup or Larger. Triple B is a fictitious breast size, yet a humorous term for a full and juicy breast size.

Example 1- Im 5'2, brunette, and have BBB's.
Example 2 - Im 5'2, brunette and my titties are a triple B threat.

Used in a sentence:

Her boobs are so bountiful, her chest is a triple B treat.

I want to jack off all over those Triple B's. Then I want to jack off on them again.

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Triple B - slang

"Triple B" stands for Boner Before the Bell. This occurs when a student gets a boner in class (before the bell) and continues to have one as class ends.

In music theory, CK got a Triple B and tried to make his boner dance to the music. After the bell had rung, he hid it by tucking it in and holding his books over it.

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Triple B

"Triple B" stands for Busy, Beautiful, Badass.

Arnold (from Master of None): From now on you're Triple B: Busy, Beautiful, Badass.

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Triple B

Baby Back Bitch

Acronym for someone whom is acting like a punk, wimp, etc....

Sara: omg he's so cute, but im to scared to talk to him!

Amber: Quit being a Triple B and go over there

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Triple B

otherwise known as "back burner bitch."
a name for someone who your group of friends doesnt particularly like to hang out with, but if you are alone and all other friends are busy, you call your "triple b" and they are always anxious and willing to hang out.

pretty much a friend who will always be a last resort and they have no idea.

bob: hey are we all hanging out tonight?!
fred: of course, is The Triple B coming?
fred: uh, no dude.
bob: thank god...

-a day later-

bob: hey mark! freds out of town, do you wanna come over and chill?

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