Definder - what does the word mean?

What is traffic management?

traffic management without the presence of traffic cops on the roads. Under such a system, drivers and pedestrians strictly obey the traffic rules, e.g. by following the traffic light system, as if there were traffic cops managing traffic.

Traffic self-management is like a hard nut to crack when it comes to implementing it.

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traffic management - video


Traffic management - what is it?

Traffic management is a job suitable for anyone and everyone that is a nonce, you literally spend your days pissing every possible road user off whilst sitting in a van noshing your colleague off and sitting on cones all the way to the base!

1 โ€œhey did you see those guys noncing each other off in the van?โ€

2 โ€œyeah donโ€™t worry theyโ€™re traffic managementโ€

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