Definder - what does the word mean?

What is tractor beam?

Tractor Beams are the hairs that grow around the anus which can often capture "Klingons".

I thought I had wiped well enough but judging by the streaks my Tractor Beams picked up a few klingons.

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tractor beam - video

Tractor beam - what is it?

A person who sucks you into a stupid conversation, and you can't break away for a long period of time.

Holy crap. I was in talking with that nerd for like 3 hours about his cat. I couldn't stop him. He was such a tractor beam.

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What does "tractor beam" mean?

When a person walks past a TV/computer screen and stops mid-stance to stare at whatever is on the screen, instead of continuing on to his destination. Appears to have been pulled in by the tractor beam of the screen and is unable to move or think.

I asked my son to go make his lunch for school but he passed the loungeroom on the way and Scooby Doo was on, and he was caught in the tractor beam. He was there, frozen solid, for a good ten minutes until I turned off the TV.

👍41 👎13

Tractor beam - what does it mean?

A powerful ray or beam of energy that pulls objects into the emitter; a manipulation of graviational force around a selected object.

"How did you get into that bad habit?"

"I don't know, it was like a tractor beam, sucked me right in.

Our ship was pulled into the tractor beam

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