Definder - what does the word mean?

What is tongle?

TONGLE is a word in the ancient language of AARONS , A species who will be known for their intelligence in the 28th century TONGLE means WHY! or WHAT! . The word is supposed to be used for any exclamatory purposes . The speciality of this word is that its not one meaning , its multiple meanings . This word is only supposed to used by AARONS.

1. Anglio - You Are Going To Fail In Your Exam.

Aaron - TONGLE!!

2. Oilanga - THAT DOG IS SO CUTE!!!

Aaron - TONGLE!!!!

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tongle - meme gif

tongle meme gif

tongle - video


Tongle - what is it?

Kissing someone passionately, but awkwardly, like two tongues trying to scissor each other.

Did you want to tongue tongle for our first kiss?

Brian and sierra came out from the back of the barn because they were embarrassed they did the tongue tongle.
At a party with friends: Rebecca: β€œdid they do the tongue tongle.” Chelsea: β€œyes their tongues were sloppy and weird.”

Unfortunately, my first kiss was something like the tongue tongle, it felt like I was being kissed by a dog.

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What does "tongle" mean?

Something you can do with a turtle.

"Jerald Thomas was arrested last night due to Tongling his little brother's turtle"

"To tongle is legal in less countries than more countries probably. Its probably illegal in Singapore and most ihop locations..."

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Tongle - what does it mean?

To go on holiday excessively.

"He is never here, he is such a tongler"

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Tongle - meaning

A pleasant tingling sensation of the genitals

washing your nether regions with minty showergel might cause a tongle

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