Definder - what does the word mean?

What is tohru?

Main character and best girl in the manga series Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid.

Man 1- Hey have you heard of Tohru Kobayashi? She's best girl

Man 2- You mean Tohru Honda?


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tohru - meme gif

tohru meme gif

tohru - video


Tohru - what is it?

We believe in tohru supremacy.

Tohru supremacy is accepting the fact tohru best waifu and maid

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What does "tohru" mean?

A girl from the series Fruits Basket/Furuba/Furutsu Basketto. She encounters the Sohma family and learns there curse. Her mother died in a car crash months before she learned of it so she decided to live with her grandfather. When her grandfather decided to move with her cousins, Tohru lived in a tent until the Sohma's found out. She is caring, un-selfish, and bubbly. In my opinion, she is a borderline Mary-Sue. She feeds of peoples pity for her and wants to make 'friends' Yeah right. She softens EVERYONES hearts and makes EVERYONE end up liking her. Including Akito and Hiro!

"Kyou- ah, Sohma-kun, anou..."
"I couldn't do anything... I feel that I'm the cause of her death.

What she REALLY means:
"Mwahaha, they love me. Everyone does... except for those Yuki fangirls...

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Tohru - what does it mean?

The main character of Fruits Basket, a wonderful anime/manga. She is very polite, but, sadly, has no parents and has to live with the Sohma family. (Yuki, Kyo, and Shigure Sohma)

Tohru Honda is my fave Fruits Basket character.

I hope Tohru and Yuki end up together.

Sucks to be you, Tohru and Kyo end up together.

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Tohru - meaning

a beautiful kind caring polite girl, willing to do anything for her loved ones. ANGELIC, AN ANGEL. She would cleanse you from your bad ways. She is adorable, pure and precious. She’s got great people around her.

1: omg I love her, she’s amazing.

2: of course, she’s tohru honda!

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Tohru - definition

The main antagonist of the critically acclaimed video game, Persona 4

Persona 1: I like Tohru Adachi
Persona 2: You're a chad

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Tohru - slang

Tohru Honda is the main character of Fruits Basket ^^! She’s the sweetest, kindest and strongest girl ! Tohru would never judge you, she will listen to you and try to help you every time. Stan her <3

We all need a Tohru Honda is our life !
Kyo feel in love with Tohru ? That’s understandable.
Tohru is my role model in life.

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The cutest dragon maid ever. She's the main character from the show Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid

"She could never be as great a maid as Tohru"

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Generally the most precious girl you could ever meet. Great wifey material. Extremely caring and a little too humble but soon you'll realize her flaws are what make her perfect. Will be extremely funny and call with you all night. Generally average height very cute. Blonde . Normally has them very comfortable thighs. Even after a week of knowing her she already has taken your heart and find a home inside it. Overall protect her at every cost :)

"I love tohru."

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Normally around 4'11 to 5'5 possibly even taller. Very beautiful in every way imaginable. If you were to meet one you would fall in love with them. They are the most funny, caring, loving individual and are very fun to annoy. Watch anime together or netflix with a bowl of icecream you will be no matter what, cause their presence is around you. Peter's are normally coupled with them. Peter loves tohru. They see what a future would be like with them as tohru has treated him better in a week than someone has treated him in 2 months. He see's wifey material inside tohru and loves late night calling. He will generally want to live with her even if its in a small one room studio apartment. Peter will protect tohru with all his strength at any given chance even if his life is on the line.

"Peter loves tohru. She is his diamond and will stop at nothing to keep her safe"

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