Definder - what does the word mean?

What is tobbler?

a person who goes back and forth on his decisions so much, it gets old and he ends up not doing anything because he/she cant make up his mind. He/She's a pickle tobbler.

He's a pickle tobbler.

👍27 👎13

tobbler - video


Tobbler - what is it?

Name given to dog by a stable, geriatric couple.

Shahzeb and Shammy have been dating for so long, they bought a dog and named it Tobbler.

👍43 👎15

What does "tobbler" mean?

a round smooth rock used in playing rolf. it is comparable to a driver in real golf.

The tobbler was thorwn 300 feet by that kid with the large spangly dangler.

👍33 👎13