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What is toasting the bagel?

The shit residue around a protruded asshole, typically found after being vigorously fucked and/or fisted .

He loves when I smear my cream cheese on his toasted bagel after I pull out.

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toasting the bagel - video


Toasting the bagel - what is it?

When you get a cup of coffee and you’re bored so you put a bagel on top of it till you get a golden crisp several hours later.

I need to start toasting the bagel bro.

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What does "toasting the bagel" mean?

Something thats cute, and slightly geeky, of course in a good way. Rather than 'sex on toast' (although they may be perceived as that as well) they are referred to as a 'Dork In A Toasted Bagel'. They are very cute, sweet, loveable, and some would even say 'perfect' :)

Person 1: "i think you're sex on toast ;D"
Person 2: "really? haha, nahh..i think i'm more like a Dork In A Toasted Bagel"
Person 1: "aww, you're adorable, my lil DIATB ^_^ "

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Toasting the bagel - what does it mean?

Synonymous with "Whatever floats your boat"

An expression used as a response when someone else says something that is somewhat strange or odd.

Person A: "I like to sleep with socks on."
Person B: "Whatever toasts your bagel."

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Toasting the bagel - meaning

A low-key way to saying you need to take a huge dump in mixed/polite company, such as at work or at your Grandmother's house.

"Have you seen Chris lately?" "Naa he'll be another 10 minutes, he had to Toast a Bagel. Poor guy had taco bell for lunch".

"Angela announced she would be Toasting a Bagel and would be off the phones for about 20 minutes."

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Toasting the bagel - definition

Coded language about killing Jews

A man sits next to another man on a park bench - they look around carefully, β€œMake the call; it’s time to toast the bagels,” the one man says to the other.

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