Definder - what does the word mean?

What is to be friendzoned?

Someone who when they have a thing going on with another person, they eventually tell them they just want to be friends.

Kate is such a friendzoner. She told charlie that he was the best friend she had ever had. Then she ran off with his best friend.

👍51 👎15

to be friendzoned - video


To be friendzoned - what is it?

You're an average guy, nice, intelligent, funny, with great wit, you care about other people, whether they are strangers, friends or lovers. You try not to behave like a self-centered idiot and the last thing you would ever do is hurting a woman.

Do you match those criteria? Well if you do, you'll soon learn the definition of this word! Your crush will date a lousy self-centered prick and you'll have the honor to be the support shoulder when she realizes how bad he treats her and complains about how awful her life is, wondering why every guy she dates turns out to be a complete moron.

Getting friendzoned:
Her: "how you're such a sweetie you're nice and caring, you support me in my most difficult moments, but you know you're like a brother to me there's nooo way we can be more than friends but for me that's more important than lovers! <3"
You: ...

Guessing what your role will be as a friendzoned guy:
Her: "wow OMG I've met a really nice guy he got such an amazing car and he's sooo good-looking chiseled muscles and all he's swag plus he seems to reeaaally like me! <3"
You: ... ... ...

👍1027 👎423

What does "to be friendzoned" mean?

When a member of the opposite sex (usually one you want to hook up with) declares you to be "just a friend", thereby ruining all potential chances of sex.

Noj: Dude, I met this really hot chick and I was gonna hook up with her...until I got friendzoned!

Eiddam: Aw damn man! that sucks ass!

👍3367 👎1185

To be friendzoned - what does it mean?

(Noun) This is a metaphorical hell for men. It is typically initiated by a guy asking out a girl and her saying "Oh, I only see you as a friend.".
One common example of this is girls will reject a nice guy, and date douche-bags, all while complaining to the nice guy and saying things like "Why can't all guys be like you?".
Again, this is only a stereotype.

It is possible to escape the friendzone, but it is not easy. It is a long and difficult road.

Poor George, he was put in the friendzone by that girl he really liked.

👍407 👎123

To be friendzoned - meaning

When someone of the opposite sex does not find you appealing enough to be in a relationship, so they instead prefer to be "just friends". This is called the friendzone, probably because you're too good to be not friends, but not good enough to be in a relationship. You're in that "zone". Getting friendzoned is the act of getting rejected for a date by the person you felt love for, and for them to then suggest a general friendship. You shouldn't use the word seriously, it makes you sound needy. Use it as a joke.

Person 1: I've known Britney for awhile, im going to go ask her out.

Person 2: well then, prepare to get friendzoned!

👍113 👎27

To be friendzoned - definition


The friendzone is a terrifying place for young men, as it resides deep in Satan's ass crack. When a young man attempts a romantic/sexual relationship with a woman and is rejected due to her disinterest, he dramatically exclaims that he is in the friendzone. The woman insists that they are 'just friends' but the young man cannot comprehend, as the dating pool has always looked like an arcade to him, and women the machines that you insert kindness coins until sex or a relationship falls out.

Then the man blames the woman for his inability to land a date/girlfriend/someone to cradle his balls. 3 magical symbols appear, to guide him into the friendzone. First, his fedora descends from the heavens, embellished with naked ponies. Then, it starts raining Monster drink, and the man is soaked in the presence of excessive sugar and whining. Finally, he emits a warning call (most likely by trolling on Reddit) and finally the friendzone swallows him.

We are not sure what happens in the friendzone itself, but the faint echoes of "I'm a nice guy" can be heard all the way from the ass crack of Satan. It's truly a terrifying place, where one can lament about other women's shortcomings and call them "bitches, sluts and whores" when the whining just won't cut it.

Woman: "I think we should be friends."

Woman: "I'm just not interested in you."


👍639 👎193

To be friendzoned - slang

when you ain't about to be friends with someone cuz u done man

oh crap wait they think you are friends that's awkward better make it obvious that you don't want to be in a relationship

dude 1: I thought we had something...
dude 2: dang man you been friendzoned

👍123 👎31

To be friendzoned

Basically a verb form of friendzone: To put someone who loves you and wants to DATE you in the zone of just friends, like if you were friendzoned, then you basically got rejected.

Bro, my "girl" wanted to friendzone me... WHY I SPENT 3 MONTHS ON HER

👍25 👎11

To be friendzoned

A particularly aggravating metaphorical place, that people end up in when someone they are interested in only wants to be friends. It is impossible to get over someone while in the friendzone, because, as friends, you still see them too often for them to be erased from your memory, and yet, you cannot be with them the way you want.

Person 1: Hypothetically, how would you react if I told you I like you?
Person 2: I'm sorry, I don't mean to hurt you, but I want to just be friends.
Person 1 is now in the friendzone.

👍2223 👎291

To be friendzoned

To accidentally become really good friends with someone before you realize that you want to be more than that, so you become stuck in the friendzone. It is a very hard and awkward place to be in, so avoid it at all costs.

"I want a girlfriend!"
"Dude, you should date Tania."
"Are you kidding me? We got totally stuck in the friendzone like, last year. To be friendzoned sucks balls."

👍35 👎13