Definder - what does the word mean?

What is titties and beer?

The perfect combination

titties & beer go great together

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titties and beer - video


Titties and beer - what is it?

Replaces the old terms "awesome" or "great" in the world of paintball.

Keith looking at his new DM4:

"Damn, this gun shoots great, it's titties and beer."

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What does "titties and beer" mean?

a drink mixer, mmmm titties in the beer

yum titties an beer please

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Titties and beer - what does it mean?

what men love most

gonna go down to the peeler bar an have some titties an beer

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Titties and beer - meaning

Two of the best things on the planet. Each can be enjoyed on it's own, or combined for one awesome night of awesomeness!

Bob:"Whatcha up to tonight, Steve?"
Steve:"I'm gonna hit up Cocomo's for some titties and beer. Wanna come?"
Bob:"Fuck yea! Let's go!"

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Titties and beer - definition

Title of an old Frank Zappa song. A pretty funny one at that. Can be found on albums "Zappa in New York" and "Baby Snakes".

I’m only interested in two things, and that’s
Titties and beer
You know what I mean?
Titties and beer

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