Definder - what does the word mean?

What is titsicles?

1) A annoying person who is 99.9% of the time, an ass.

2) When your tit gets so cold, it feels like you have a tit made out of a popsicle.

Judy: God, Matt's such an annoying ass.
Cooper: I know. He's a titsicle.

Judy: My nip is cold.
Cooper: You must have a titsicle.

Judy: What is it with you and that word?
Cooper: Titsicle.

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titsicles - video


Titsicles - what is it?

a skinny chick with a ginormous, probably fake, rack

That Posh Spice is a real titsicle.

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What does "titsicles" mean?

nipples that are hard due to cold

I walked outside without a jacket and got instant titsicles.

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Titsicles - what does it mean?

a scrotum with nipples

shut your white ass up titsicles

👍39 👎31

Titsicles - meaning

when the titties freeze up and become into popsicles DICKs

i got titsicles for lunch

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