Definder - what does the word mean?

What is the wheb?

Too own one's self, To own yourself

Idiotic Blonde girl:"I like two of Green Day's songs, like The Black Parade and that other one" Listener:"WHEBS!"

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the wheb - video


The wheb - what is it?

An unbelieveably massive douche bag.

"That K-Fed is a total wheb."

👍35 👎25

What does "the wheb" mean?

When a person is either lazy/stupid/tired enough to spell "when" with a b (noticing the location of the on a QWERTY keyboard)

dude, i'm so tired right now, wheb is that party again?

👍63 👎23

The wheb - what does it mean?

The Wheb noun \wheb\

A knot of interlocking anal beads that form a wheb. Typically used as a form of team bonding.

Wheb Master: "The time to form the wheb has arrived. Prepare your bodies."

Keith: "Why the hell am I still on this team?"

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