Definder - what does the word mean?

What is the thomas?

Thomas is the greatest boyfriend that anyone could ever ask for. He is the sweetest person and would never leave your side. Thomas is a best friend as well as someone who you can fall in love with instantly. He's not any average guy, he actually cares, and listens. Once you have him, you won't ever want to let him go, you'll want him to be in your arms forever. And if you do, don't let him go, it would be the worst mistake you would ever make.

Thomas M. G. You are the love of my life. I love you so much. <3 Five ever and 3 1/2 weeks.

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the thomas - video


The thomas - what is it?

Thomas is a very unique person. Usually could be described as an "extroverted introvert" he is very social, but way more talkative around his friends. Thomas typically has secrets and by looking at him, you'd think he was so innocent, but really he has a whole backstory. He is such an incredible person who will always listen to you, and when you feel alone he will comfort you. He has the best advice ever, and knows exactly what to say. He is very good looking, and super funny. Although, he could be going through a lot he never fails to make you smile. He could laugh at the smallest things, but his laugh is so care free and warm you just can't help but to join in. He is one of the sweetest guys you may ever meet, he doesn't care what or who you are, he'll accept you and bring out the best in you. He fills the room with happiness and seeing him smile makes you feel so amazing. If you are friends with a Thomas, keep them, because that is one of the literal best people you'll ever meet.

Girl 1: Is that Thomas?
Girl 2: Yeah he's pretty amazing.

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What does "the thomas" mean?

A noun that is the act of not studying anything ever and passing everything.

Wow I pulled an amazing Thomas on last weeks Bio test.

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The thomas - what does it mean?

Thomas is the best name in the world

yo , Thomas whats up

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The thomas - meaning

An amazing guy that will always be by your side no matter what, he is a great friend that is smart and romantic. He is athletic,active,and a hardcore gamer.

Thomas you are a great friend.

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The thomas - definition

Procrastinating hard af

He has been doing a Thomas for over a year now.

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The thomas - slang

Its me. Im Thomas

Hi, my name is Thomas

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The thomas

the act of knowing everything but forgetting everything simultaneously.

Teacher: hat is 59 + 713?

Jack: Damn, I just pulled a Thomas

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The thomas

Thomas is seen as quiet but the closer you get the more you see how outgoing he is. He cracks the best jokes; even if he screws them up you can't help but laugh. He's smarter than he gives himself credit for, thinks outside the box, and can run literally so fast. I'm not kidding he's amazing.

Thomas has a huge sweet tooth and would literally live off dessert if he could. He's got great taste in music and will listen to anything he can really vibe with. He's also got a great sense of style, although he'd look great in anything he puts on. He isn't prejudiced and doesn't talk shit on anyone; if someone doesn't like Thomas they're probably just jealous cuz he's so darn lovable.

Thomas gives THE BEST hugs. You will always feel safe and at home on his arms; that's because Thomas would do virtually anything for those close to him. He might come off as tough but that's just the faรงade he puts up; he's actually the most raw and charismatic person you will ever meet. If Thomas shares his thoughts and feelings with you, he trusts you and you don't want to betray that. He always looks totally adorable and unbothered but take some time to look under the hood and see who he really is underneath.

Though he might seem it, Thomas isn't perfect, but that just makes me love him more :)

If you're lucky enough to have Thomas in your life, hold him close to your heart and never let him go ^_^

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The thomas

If you have the name Thomas then you have 100% chance that you will get called "Thomas the Train". Really annoying most of the time because who wants to be correlated with a show meant for 5 year olds. If you meet someone named Thomas DO NOT call him "Thomas the Train". Other than that Thomas is really sexy.

Thomas walks down school hallway
Random Person - "Hey Thomas the Train"
Thomas *Pulls out gun from his bag and points it at him* -"The fuck you say to me"
Random Person - "Shit man! It's just a joke!
Thomas - "You know what's a joke"
Random Person - "What?"
Thomas - "Joe Mama!" *Proceeds to shoot him in the head.*

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