Definder - what does the word mean?

What is the sony's?

The ultimate downfall of the American economy.

Hey! lets go purchase a new Sony product while we piss on our own country! Screw America!

👍1301 👎1003

the sony's - video


The sony's - what is it?

The hypocritical greedy global corporation which acts like the crusaders of intellectual property by supporting the RIAA and putting DRMs on every single of their product, whilst pirating software of other smaller companies.

Sony BMG's hypocrisy: company busted for using warez
By David Chartier | Published: March 31, 2008 - 02:12PM CT

"PointDev, a French software company that makes Windows administration tools, received a call from a Sony BMG IT employee for support. After Sony BMG supplied a pirated license code for Ideal Migration, one of PointDev's products, the software maker was able to mandate a seizure of Sony BMG's assets. The subsequent raid revealed that software was illegally installed on four of Sony BMG's servers. The Business Software Alliance, however, believes that up to 47 percent of the software installed on Sony BMG's computers could be pirated."


Sony:"Hey you! Pay for that software right now or we'll take legal action and pwn yo sorry poor azz!!"
Internet:"STFU don't SONY me bro!!"

👍179 👎101

What does "the sony's" mean?

A company who doesn't give the slightest shit about you, whether you detest them or swear allegiance to the Playstation. Ruthless when it comes to business, they'll fuck over and bully as many companies as it takes to make money. Sony fanboys are the easiest to troll, but the hardest to understand; being loyal to a company who cares about nothing but your wallet makes no sense.

Lik-Sang was an excellent site. One day, Lik-Sang started selling Japanese PSPs to European gamers. Sony looked out from its dark castle, and feeling intimidated by this, it proceeded to sue Lik-Sang to oblivion. This, children, is what we call "retarded".

👍475 👎295

The sony's - what does it mean?

A japanese company actually deriving from the word "sonny" because it's creator wanted it to seem like a hip young company.

You thought it meant something, didn't you?

👍745 👎473

The sony's - meaning

Soni is naturally beautiful. She Is always kind and caring to her friends and family. She has an amazing personality and is easy to fall in love with. She is usually gay, and has really great friends. She eats bagels for lunch every day. If someone comes to Soni for help, she will go out of her way to help them. ❤️ She is really smart and badass.

Soni is really pretty

👍77 👎27

The sony's - definition

A company that's 10 times bigger than Microsoft but gets a free pass from the fanboy American public because they have Squaresoft games and don't railroad American companies. Overcharges for their electronics because of the name regardless of more reliable brands being out there for cheaper.

I listened to my Sony-licensed CD with my Sony-made Discman with Sony-made headphones while playing my Sony Playstation 2 with NFL Gameday 2004 made by Sony-owned 989. Then I played Sony-owned Everquest on my Sony-made Vaio laptop online while listening to Sony-licenced Joan of Arcadia on my Sony television.

Bill Gates could only dream of having that much power.

👍2269 👎855

The sony's - slang

Also one of the 5 major music corporations which control 90+ percent of American music. Ironic, since Sony is a Japanese company.

The RIAA loves Sony's cock.

👍1279 👎399

The sony's

Soni is a short but a loving girl, who loves to hang with friends. She is sometimes lazy and stubborn, but when you become her friend, she will protect you with her life. If anyone and i mean ANYONE tries to hurt you... they will end up in the floor.

Omg I love Soni!

👍71 👎17

The sony's

Bed breaker. Takes care of others young like her own. Sarcasm is a given. A Hawaiian looking super Model. Faithful.

Man, I wish I had a friend like Soni.

👍181 👎45

The sony's

The most attractive and nicest guy you will ever meet, with eyes that will calm your soul and make you feel things again. Pay attention to his hands, because they are one of the best features.He causes you to have a reason to wake up, knowing that you will see him. The best guy to exist.

"I can't get Soni out of my head since I met him"

👍213 👎45