Definder - what does the word mean?

What is the district's?

An upcoming movie that is too kickass to define on urban dictionary. Basically, aliens come to earth accidentally, and humans provide them with a hunk of earth called district 9.

Go watch District 9 or I'll sic a rabid polar bear on you.

👍579 👎79

the district's - video


The district's - what is it?

District 1 is one of the 12 districts of Panem in the Hunger Games unniverse. Its industry is Luxury goods for the Capitol. The residents of this district have often been described as extremely slutty and sexual and the entire district is full of whores. The district is often described by the other districts as a demonic hellscape and bastion of all that is evil. People from District 1 if not slutty are usually pure evil.

Everyone in the room agreed that District 1 should be burned to the ground.

👍25 👎11

What does "the district's" mean?

A French film starring David Belle and Cyril Raffaelli. Produced by Luc Besson (The Fifth Element, Leon: The Professional), District B13 is one of the films introducing parkour to the action genre. It features some of those most intense chase scenes you will ever see, none of which use CG. It was written after seeing David & Cyril's stuntman portfolio as an excuse to put the two together in a film. The result is breathtaking, and has even been ripped off in newer movies like Casino Royale's opening chase scene (except again, District B13 didn't use any CG). Go see it, or at least YouTube the opening chase scene.

God damn I wish I could move like they do in District B13, I wouldn't ever need a car if I did.

👍113 👎15

The district's - what does it mean?

A semi higher up(usually retail) who spews out bad ideas from their higher ups that will ultimately help Wal-Mart kill the company faster.

99.9% of the time these people have zero idea what they are talking about and just serve to make a persons time in retail far worse than it should be.

I am the District Manager you have to listen me!!!!!

Extended Warranties and Instant Credits will save this company.

I am cutting your stores hours.

You are fired for pointing out that I am stupid.

👍59 👎11

The district's - meaning

A place you don't get to very often.
I.E. The club, the grocery store, the Jarl's palace, a vagina

Do you get to the Cloud District very often? Oh, what am I saying. Of course you don't.

-Nazeem (Drunken Huntsman, The Plains District of Whiterun, Skyrim, Tamriel, Nirn. Sometime in the 4th era.)

👍265 👎17

The district's - definition

A sick powder ski made by Bluehouse Ski Company.

Alta got dumped on last night, I'm skipping work and taking my Districts up for an epic powder day.

👍37 👎31

The district's - slang

Districts are Dallas' version of New Orleans and Houston Wards and Atlanta Zones. We got 14 Districts.

Dirty, Dallas, TX, reppin' District 1, kickin' it, Dopeside, TX, stayin' on some pimpin' shit

👍39 👎35

The district's


1. Epitomizing authentic urban culture, ie. street but on a massive scale.

2. Hip, fly, the bomb, now-that's-what-I'm-talking-about, ie. Really rather good indeed and fresh with it.

These ain't no hillbilly garms, yo, these threads are district.

Feel the bass on this cut, man. The beat sound like it made out uh cardboard, but the bass is f***in' district!

👍59 👎85

The district's

a skate and surf shop in venice. sells boards, skate clothes, and skate shoes. its on venice blvd a couple blocks away from venice high

i need to get a new board. lets go to district after school

👍51 👎39

The district's

What everyone from Washington DC calls Washington DC.

Q: Hey, where are you?

A: In Virginia, heading back to the district.

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