Definder - what does the word mean?

What is the Tiny?

tini when some one is a fit as f**k or relly sexy or they are jaw droping prittey

pfft u see dat tini girl back there

👍77 👎45

the Tiny - video


The Tiny - what is it?


not big.

Nickname: someone who is small & cute. Usually really smart, name is usually tynaz. someone who is really really pretty & everybody dreams with being with her
see also; Tmoney , GeGe, LuLu

Person1: That Girls Is Incredibly Tiny

Person 2: Duhh That's Why Her Name Is Tiny

👍93 👎55

What does "the Tiny" mean?

The BEST GIRL in the world, she is life and I love her so much. She can make you laugh till u piss urself. Even tho she goes to MVP thats ok we stil love her

aka: weiner

That tini girl is so hott

👍139 👎77

The Tiny - what does it mean?

Not Big
Itty Bitty
Tinsy Weensy

Holy Shit! What the hell is that tiny thing between your legs?! What the fuck did we do to it?!

👍433 👎275

The Tiny - meaning

A joker, one who is quick with one liners, quips and sly remarks.

That dude reminds me of Tini.

👍137 👎65

The Tiny - definition

Gang of deuschs from medford, WI that are in an age group from 20 to 25, who go out to high school parties and bang 15 years, smoke space daily, drive early 200 model cars with shitty aftermarket and stickers on them, and and are hated by everyone. They have a group in Illinois also, and they have nicknames with tini in it.

Ey Curtin Tini, whatcha doin tonite
Gonna bang me a ripe 15 year old and say im gonna fight highschoolers but puss out

👍105 👎45

The Tiny - slang

A little midget with bipolar problems when it comes to her not getting her way these girls are dangerous they crazy one min but will make you love them the next there very rare tiny is loyal with a beautiful personality and a goofy spirit but don't get me wrong she a demon when she becomes man

Damn tiny why you I mean

Tiny you are so beautiful

You so tiny

👍81 👎33

The Tiny

when something is incredibly small, mentally or physically. When something is tinie it reminds you of a baby, tinie things are very heartwarming and gentle.

That is a pretty tinie monkey!

👍27 👎13

The Tiny

The nickname of 6'8" 350lb mobster found in every prison, who has been convicted for a string of violent crimes. Usually, tiny is muscle for someone else, due to a low mental capacity and uneasiness about his size. Quite well-endowed, tiny will seek to butt-fuck people smaller than him. Tiny is the white version of Big Bubba.

Tiny is scary, but stupid.

👍1055 👎483

The Tiny

A miniature martini, meant to be drunk in excess. Common drink among college-aged females who are sick of Cosmopolitans and Mojitos. Exagerration of how many one drank is encouraged.

Oh my god, Kristen, I totally had like 500 tini tinis last night. Where's the freakin' breakfast pizza? Oh my god, I HATE the dining hall.

👍53 👎13